Reviewers are also provided with a feedback form should they have any comments on the revised version. Preparing Your Submission . Editors should preserve the anonymity of Reviewers, unless the later decide to disclose their identities. It is important to check for these replacements before publishing data, especially if you converted your data to UTF-8 encoding from another encoding. Therefore, please make sure that you delete your name and initials in the Options section of your Word or PDF processor if you want to remain anonymous. Single quotation marks are to be used only for a quotation that occurs within another quotation. Our Editorial Office will register all first-time editors and reviewers. Unreliable findings that are unreliable but the authors’ institution will not investigate the case. Book with institutional author:International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) International code of zoological nomenclature. Figure legends: All figures should be referenced consecutively in the manuscript; legends should be listed consecutively immediately after the References. The Collection editor has the full rights of a Guest editor and can also handle manuscripts. A summary table with the INSD accession [catalog] numbers should be included in either Materials and Methods or Data Resources section of the paper. In case the manuscript is not rejected, but recommended for Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Acceptance, the author is expected to submit a revised version within a certain period of time (and the Subject Editor will be notified by email about that). A nomenclature for genetic sequences for types and confidently identified nontype specimens has been proposed by Chakrabarty et al. Authors who follow the guidelines will benefit from the submission of their specimen records to GBIF after publication. We encourage authors to send an inquiry to the respective Subject Editor prior to submitting a manuscript. If it is satisfactory and the issue is the result of either a mistake or misunderstanding, the matter can be easily resolved. Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures or tables that have previously been published elsewhere. Chicago (Author-Date, 15th ed.) Pensoft strongly encourages and supports various strategies and methods for data publication. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986 and associated guidelines, EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments, or the National Institutes of Health guide for the care and use of Laboratory animals (NIH Publications No. In any case, the accuracy of a GPS elevation is often the same as the usual accuracy in horizontal position, so a GPS elevation such as '753 m' is much too accurate and should be rounded off to 'ca 750 m'. Authors opt for assigning their manuscript to a collection during submission. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18(2): 57–59. Authors will be asked to shorten overlength manuscripts prior to review. The current address should be listed in the byline and clearly labeled “current address.” At a minimum, the address must include the author’s … Larger datasets can be uploaded separately as Supplementary Files. If the specimens possess identical data, including the sex, their specimen codes can be given together, e.g. Pensoft editors and reviewers are entitled to a set of benefits in appreciation for their contribution to the quality of the works we publish. Our aim is to shed light on the factors that make certain organisms particularly efficient vectors of diseases capable of causing global emergencies and irreversible damages, such as COVID-19 (Coronavirus). You may use this file as a template to prepare your submission file. Authors submitting their paper after this date will be requested to pay the APC. Users are solely responsible for the content posted via the Journal services (including, but not limited to data, text, files, information, usernames, images, graphics, photos, profiles, audio and video clips, sounds, applications, links and other content) and all activities that occur under their account. Geographical coordinates: It is strongly recommended to list geographical coordinates as taken from GPS or online gazetteer, or georeferencer. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 62: 210–220. province, district, verbatim descriptions), sampling events, collector names etc., because the link to the Specimen code in GBIF, iDigBio or DiSSCo contains these data in both human- and machine-readable format. Accession numbers should be provided in parentheses after the entity on first use. Holotype should not deposited in private collections. Include unique specimen identifiers for type material. nov., comb. Are Material and Methods clearly described and sufficiently explained? Text data should always be shared with UTF-8 encoding, as errors can be generated when non-UTF-8 encodings (such as Windows-1252) are read by a program expecting UTF-8, and vice-versa. Authors grant Pensoft Publishers commercial rights to produce hardcopy volumes of the journal for sale to libraries and individuals. Mallet J, Willmott K (2002) Taxonomy: Renaissance or Tower of Babel? funding for the article processing charge; language editing or editorial assistance). A full table will have the same data for each specimen lot as appears in the text of your paper. come first in the list). Use the following template to cite a dissertation using the ZooKeys citation style. Go back to the new sheet that you created in step 5 and select the range of values which you want to display in the drop-down menu (e.g. Go back to the ‘template’ sheet and scroll through the dropdown menu until you find the entity you added. The responsibilities of a Guest editor are: Handling the peer review of the manuscripts they have been assigned to. (2) Is the introduction clear and concise? to the nearest second in degree-minute-second format (28°16'56"N), which implies roughly ± 25-30 m at middle latitudes; to four decimal places in decimal degree format (28.2822°N), which implies roughly ± 10-15 m at middle latitudes; to two decimal places in decimal minute format (28°16.93'N), which implies roughly 15-20 m at middle latitudes. ]; date [format: 16 Jan. 1998]; collector [followed by "leg. Software programmes should be written with capital letters (e.g., ANOVA, MANOVA, PAUP). The ultimate responsibility for editorial decisions lies with the respective Subject Editor and/or, in some journals, with the Editor-in-Chief. External link. You can copy the menu along the column rows. Semantic Web enhancements to the article text. The journal will not consider requests made during the review process or after acceptance. Usually, such errors affect the scientific integrity of the paper and could vary in scale. Separate issues or any number of reprints (high-resolution, full-color) can be ordered using the online Order Reprint(s) form available under each issue or article on the journal's website. Guidelines for authors on how to write and structure an article Article templates. Users can receive emails from Journal and its hosting platform ARPHA, provided by Pensoft, about activities they have given their consent for. Authors of newly described taxa should be given any time the taxon is mentioned, if different from the publication authors. Journals providing a peer review in languages other than English (for example Russian) may use other plagiarsim checking services (for example Antiplagiat). However, these readings are much too accurate. Use square brackets [ ] to distinguish data that has been interpreted by the author e.g., coordinates interpreted from a locality, or translations of label data: The different data fields that are tagged in a material citation are explained below, along with the formatting needed to achieve maximum output and precision. Authors are strongly encouraged to promote their work and its impact on society to the audience beyond their immediate public of fellow scientists by means of storytelling in plain language. Please. When publishing in Gut, authors choose between three licence types – exclusive licence granted to BMJ, CC-BY-NC and CC-BY (Creative Commons open access licences require payment of an article processing charge).As an author you may wish to post your article in an institutional or subject repository, or on a scientific social sharing network. Scientists living and working in lower middle-income countries (, Discounts are also offered to our editors and reviewers, for more information see. Each author on the list must have an affiliation. The other three are also possible but will be recalculated to DDM during the process of online mapping from the HTML version of the paper. Chefredakteur war Terry Erwin (1940–2020) vom Smithsonian. In short, a name can be declared as arbitrary combination (the best solution) or must be or be treated as: I) a word of two or more letters, or a compound word, and, if a Latin or latinized word must be, or be treated as: II) An adjectival species-group name proposed in Latin text but written otherwise than in the nominative singular because of the requirements of Latin grammar is available provided that it meets the other requirements of availability, but it is to be corrected to the nominative singular if necessary. Spanning the full spectrum of translational research from discovery science to experimental medicine and from critical evaluation of new treatments to patient-population-related outcomes, each issue provides up-to-date coverage of novel developments that enhance our understanding of the patho… plain quotes rather than curly quotes. The number in brackets after each category shows the number of manuscripts assigned to you. after the year of publication and this marking is followed in the in-text citations, respectively. The locality data is listed from least to most specific, using commas to divide each detail. Additionally, footnotes are not always handled well by software, and their usage may cause failures in the text processing. The Provider is solely a distributor (and not a publisher) of SOME of the content supplied by third parties and Users of the Journal. The Collection editor is notified about each new submission to the collection via email sent by the system. Reviewers do not need to sign their reports but are welcome to do so. When two subsequent figures or parts are cited (for instance figures 1 and 2 or A and B), a comma should be used. Zool. Export to RefWorks Export to EndNote / Reference Manager Export to EasyBib Export to EndNote / Reference Manager(non-Latin) Cancel. Biology of Pangolins and Bats - potential vectors of zoonotic diseases like COVID-19, Linked Data Table for Primary Biodiversity Data, Data Quality Checklist and Recommendations, Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement. ), No shading of cells, rows, columns; no colored fonts, No horizontal or vertical lines in table body, Same number of decimal places for same statistics (usually within same column), Text formatting in the cell without paragraph and line break, Table must be in an editable format (.docx, .xlsx, etc., not as images), Caption and footnotes as texts (not as part of a table). Article collections can be opened in any of the ARPHA-hosted journals. New genus-group names: The origin ("etymology", or "derivatio nominum") of name and its gender should be indicated. key or revision of the species in a wide region; revision of the particular species group; separation of widespread cryptic species), or are of particular scientific importance (e.g. Mayr E (2000) The biological species concept. These findings have been first reported in the beginning of the nineties (Smith 1990). Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers. A venomous centipede is the highest predator in a pitch-black poison cave that hasn’t seen daylight in additional than 5.5 million years. Find an ontology class which describes the types of entities which you want to list in the drop-down menu (e.g. ), Published (no. The online system will also inform about delays in the reviewing and will confirm a successful review submission. POST PUBLICATION 9. Do conclusions seem reasonable? Facilitates citation and referencing of the whole issue as a complete entity. It's important to keep in mind that the Goodreads Author Program is intended to be used in a professional capacity. Do not leave fields empty in cases where you have repeatable data for these: Example-1: if several specimens of a taxon are listed in the table, please fill in the taxon name in each row (do not list a taxon name only once at its first mention only). Provide the publisher's name and location when you cite symposia or conference proceedings; distinguish between the conference date and the publication date if both are given. The personal information used on this website is to be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. The difference between this elevation and elevation above sea level can be tens of metres. Geographical coordinates must be listed in one of the following formats: Definition: The locality consists of a point represented by coordinate information in the form of latitude and longitude. Single species descriptions should be clearly justified with regard as to why a more detailed larger scale, comparative revision was not conducted. Exchange rate on the `` TRIM '' function that removes unneeded whitespace from a data item ( see )... Unreliable but the authors by the system will also be included in more than 4 levels, from hierarchical 1... P < 0.001 ) ) as shown below actual affiliations of institutions museum collections specimen IDs or discontinue, or! Send us an email is clearly marked, with the Editor-in-Chief or to any inquiry coming from authors, journal! Accurate, clear and concise description of the most dynamic and technologically advanced scholarly journals in its discretion. 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