A brief introduction to the preferential option for the poor by Sandie Cornish. For the most part, then, I shall limit myself in this essay to a direct exegesis of the phrase itself, “the preferential option for the poor.” Only indirectly and tangentially will reference be made to some of the deeper developments that have occurred over the past two centuries to give birth to the movement represented by this phrase. God's Preferential Option for the Poor: James Cone argued along similar lines when he wrote that in a racist world God is not colourblind, Gutierrez said that God loves everyone equally in the general sense, however, in specific contexts he has a particular concern for those who suffer. preferential option for the poor also forces us to think about the provision of such care as a collective responsibility. These two aspects allow us to understand Francis’s proposal of integral ecology and how the preferential option for the poor becomes central to his perspective. However, focusing only on the preferential option for the poor is not sufficient. God’s Reign is one of justice, love and peace. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable A basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. José M. Vigil, “The Option for the Poor is an Option for Justice and not Preferential: A new theological-systematic framework for the preferential option,” Voices from the Third World1 (2004): 6-21 is another interesting essay. situation of the poor in the existing legal landscape but change the land-scape itself, and that lawyers committed to the preferential option for the poor must look steadily at the poor people affected by the landscape and keep their concerns always in the forefront of advocacy and negotiation. In addition, this essay explains how Latin American theology and pastoral experience are present in Pope Francis’s thought. Throughout the Bible, and especially in the Gospel narratives of the life of Jesus, we see many examples of God’s special concern for the poor … "The preferential option for the poor is much more than a way of showing our concern about poverty and the establishment of justice. Doing so risks proposing solutions to improve access to affordable health care that do In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition recalls the story of the Last Judgment ( Mt 25:31-46 ) and instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first. This presence requires the Church to make a preferential option for those who are poor and vulnerable. The essay referenced above from Stephen Pope offers an excellent engagement with the preferential option. The language of preferential option for the poor in the body of the ERD, however, is of more recent origin, coming from the Latin American Bishops' Conferences that met in Medellin, Colombia, in 1968 and in Puebla, Mexico, in 1979. Explain the meaning and significance of the following statement by Gutiérrez, and demonstrate its relationship to a comprehensive view of liberation, (including the danger of reductionism), and the importance of the preferential option for the poor : "The present life is considered to be a test: one’s actions are judged and assessed in relation to the transcendent end. PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR and VULNERABLE “The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from their poverty.” Tweeted July 25, 2013 by Pope Francis The Preferential Option, or love of the poor and vulnerable, is a perspective on the world that The Option for the Poor in Scripture.