(The members of the security team, both of whom report directly to Dr. I walked into the room and announced myself as Bliss Delight, a being of pure energy, built up some static on my hand and zapped him a bit, and he said “always a pleasure to meet a fellow god” and even now to this day continues to call me Bliss Delight. Click here to edit contents of this page. Dr. I’m sending out this memo because I’m sure many of you will notice by the morning that we’ve cancelled our order for additional containment measures. This regal bird is the largest of our soaring Buteo hawks, a fitting raptor for the wide skies and windswept plains of the west. (Nudges Dr. Barrett) Show him the breadth of your strength, Ulmar! You know what I mean, obviously, but still. On this adventure, you’ll snowshoe and pickaxe your way over crevasses and snow bridges to the summit of … "I didn't know they could do that!" But know that you can rest easy, because the most dangerous entity at Site-81 thinks Director Aktus is a supernatural space all-father named “Maltheus, the Horror of Hadrian’s Hell” because he knows how to turn on a lightswitch. SCP-3740 is currently contained within several modified large humanoid containment cells at Site-81. Maybe second only to our great companion Solomon, who I only recently observed removing his thumb simply by moving his other hand! A brawl began, which ended when SCP-3740 blew out the front wall of the building, injuring 18 people and resulting in thousands of dollars of property damage. View wiki source for this page without editing. It’s certainly no mean feat to contain reality benders, let alone Class 8s, and we usually break out the big guns for them. And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, --and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of --Wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. I’m sending out this memo because I’m sure many of you will notice by the morning that we’ve cancelled our order for additional containment measures. Vanitor is an Imperial Frontier World and wilderness world that is the fourth planet of the Konor System in the Realm of Ultramar. The Only Thing I Own 4. SCP-3740 is capable of providing itself with sustenance; however, it may occasionally request members of its containment team join it in a meal. If you're interested in flying gliders (soaring), in the U.S., contact the Soaring Society of America (SSA -- see below) for information on glider sites around the country. Here, Eleanora, show them the- show them the thing again. SCP-3740: -and there I was, standing alone on the battlefield, and over the river is Adam El Asem. What towns do exist are steeped in history and infused with pioneer grit. SCP-3740: Hahahaha! Why would I ever want to leave such a palace? Cursed!? Haven't seen him in a while. SCP-3740: (Slams his fist on the table) Gods be damned! Image taken from SCP-3740's personal belongings. Behold his magnificent power! So far, the following acts have been sufficient to fool SCP-3740: Addendum 3740.5: Feast Event Transcription. Is she not a sight to behold! They measure 2 to 3 feet long with a wingspan of up to 7 feet. The first half of the journey is dominated by magnificent Andes followed by the gentler, rolling Andean Plains, where vicuna and alpaca are often seen. Dr. I have only the finest furnishings and decor here, as you can see. This, friends, is the beautiful and terrible Eleanora Thunderclap. So I’m waving the business at him, and he- hang on, Xenu, you want another drink? 2) … You poor, unfortunate soul! And there he sat next to the Weeping God-Sword Atra-Eas, allured by the dancing shades soaring and merging in the crystalline mist around him. Who are you again? (SCP-3740 claps once, and the light comes on.) SCP-3740 is capable of manipulating air currents at will, as well as communing with flying animals, and controlling air pressure and temperature. Note: The following is an excerpt from the transcription of an interview administered by Dr. Monica Leads shortly after the introduction of the Mount Olympus Protocol. Jim Oppenheimer told him about how he “fought and killed a thousand men, singlehandedly, for betraying his brother” and the guy now calls him Aldous Manhattan, Slayer of His Enemies. Except us, of course, but either way! It is often seen sitting on the ground in open fields. SCP-3740: Anyway, he- he tries to throw the whole river at me! A handful, am I right? It is a veritable fortress of luxury, my friend! (A fierce wind is kicked up and SCP-3740’s chair is knocked backwards. War Thunder’s aviation game takes minutes to learn, but a lifetime (not literally, so please don't try) to master. SCP-3740, also known as "Ashur, God of the Windswept Plains and Soaring Skies". Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3740 is currently contained within several modified large humanoid containment cells at Site-81. He’s full of shit. After dinner, spend the evening relaxing and perhaps stargazing, with the clear skies and lack of light pollution giving incredible views of the skies (1 night). See how his arm does not break free from the socket! Leads: I certainly appreciate the sentiment, Ashur, thank you. My friend Bonebreaker5, there are facilities just down the hall here- the finest in the entire realm, imported straight from the far off land of Kohler! "I didn't know they could do that!" SCP-3740: I already told you, graceful and delicate Suen, this is-. A condor, a pelican, a peacock. He’s all worked up, see, because I was waving the goods at him, and-, SCP-3740: That’s the one! I was just speaking to, hang on. Greater even than the Polymorph of Diogenyses, or the Marmlukk of the Arab Well. Much of Wyoming is the essence of the Great Plains, a vast and empty land of windswept plains and sagebrush hills baking under brooding blue skies. Joyful meeting! At Horton Plains the central mountain massif is shaved into a tabletop of rolling patna punctuated by rhododendron and bracketed by sporadic swathes of evergreen forest. (The members of the security team, both of whom report directly to Dr. In order to facilitate proper communications with SCP-3740, all research and administrative personnel are to perform a feat sufficient enough to prove to SCP-3740 that they are divine beings, on an equal footing to SCP-3740. Leads: I mean, it’s just… it’s just all like… it’s all smooth down there. Do you not realize that you are- (Pauses) ohhhh, I see what's going on here. But be true, the reason I’ve come to see you is to ask if you are enjoying your accommodations. So one time I was hired to fight the Broken God on a field in Alagadda, and I’ve got the Spear of the Non-Believer in my right hand and the severed head of Jack Bright in my left-. 1 Introduction to fast-track Events 2 Event Quests 3 Scenario 4 Layout Flames of Vengeance was notable for introducing Record Keeper players to the game's fourth Challenge Event layout in its first six months: the fast-track event. I cast a pox on the fiendish creature who did this to you. Suen: Ulmar? SCP-3740: -Ulmar the Unbroken! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. SCP-3740: Absolutely not. Addendum 3740.4: Proof of Supernatural Abilities. The mammals to be found in these deserts are unique to South America, most are rodents, but then half of all the mammal species found in the whole. 37. You’re probably asking yourself right now, “But Dr. McElroy, why wouldn’t we pull out all the stops for an entity that could very literally blow the roof off of Site-81? However, containment efforts are aided by the fact that SCP-3740 is remarkably gullible. It’s absolutely madness. Having gathered significant momentum with their early victories on the outskirts of the Konor System during the Plague … Maybe second only to our great companion Solomon, who I only recently observed removing his thumb simply by moving his other hand! However, Ashur is also What a fortunate coincidence! It is situated in the Ramtop mountains, about 500 miles Hubwards of the city of Ankh-Morpork. According to eyewitness reports, SCP-3740 was seen drinking heavily with a large group of individuals at the bar, when he was shoved by another patron due to some perceived insult. It reaches a juddering emotional crescendo on the closing "Glow (Part 3)" wherein COUNTLESS SKIES audibly go for broke, hurling giant hooks, sweeping synths and structural curveballs in all directions and pulling off a masterful folk-tinged, prog metal extravaganza in the process. (Addresses Dr. Barrett) Who are you? This entity, a muscular humanoid male wearing an armored chestplate and helm and carrying a spear, communicated briefly with containment personnel before disappearing. During these events, Foundation personnel are to provide a whole cow or swine, which SCP-3740 will cook and serve to its preference. Here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, nature is at our fingertips. SCP-3740 accepts almost all statements at face value, and displays no traces of skepticism or uncertainty. SCP-3740: But very well. Dr. Barrett: I- I'm Ulmar. Additionally, the members of SCP-3740’s containment team are to refer to themselves and each other by the following pseudonyms: Ongoing containment of SCP-3740 requires strict adherence to a disinformation campaign created by Site-81 containment specialists, currently designated as the Mount Olympus Protocol. Why? Our good friend Tiamat procured these bottomless casks of the finest amber ale, and look here! And when we say recent, we mean recent. Leads: No no no, definitely not an Elamite. What great power! Wake Up Sinners 5. You've got a sort of- yeah, okay, absolutely, this is great. Can you believe that? My fine companion Ulmar here and the members of his pantheon have suitably stocked this royal château I now inhabit, all in the finest wares from across the countryside. SCP-3740: (Gasps audibly) Revel in this majesty with me, Suen! Day 4 Uyuni to Villa Mar Depart the salt hotel after breakfast, and set off on bumpy roads across the Bolivian altiplano, an arid but beautiful landscape that is none-the-less rich in birdlife and varied scenery. I was just telling my brothers Thaddeus and Artemor about you, Eleanora! Hang on, what's going on here? Due to SCP-3740’s abilities and characteristics, it is currently classified as a Keter-class anomalous entity. The last truly European nation before the great swathe of Russia takes over in the east, Estonia offers travelers a fascinating mixture of Slavic, Russian, Scandinavian and altogether unique local cultures. Hello? Haven't seen him in a while. He scrambles up off of the floor.) SCP-3740 currently believes it resides in a building called the “Angolian Château”, a structure it conquered while black-out drunk during the brawl that led to its discovery. View and manage file attachments for this page. All smooth down there. I know of no better way to describe a great warrior empress like yourself! Dr. Why would I ever want to leave such a palace? Dr. SCP-3740 will readily believe almost anything said by any person, so long as it believes that individual is a similarly powerful deity. Astaramis is a well-ordered and heavily defended Imperial Hive World, the third world of the Konor System, its largest centre of population, and a potent symbol of Imperial dominance. Here, Eleanora, show them the- show them the thing again. (Laughs) We even had this whole custody thing set up, where I'd take him for a few decades, and then Nergal would be after me but he's always busy with something, and that Nazarene wino with the fish obsession has been flaking for like two thousand years, but… either way, listen, you're doing me a huge favor here buddy. (There is a loud cracking sound, and then the unknown humanoid entity appears.). Note: On 11/4/2017, another entity, called "Suen" by SCP-3740, appeared suddenly within SCP-3740's containment chamber. See how his arm does not break free from the socket! Leads: I mean, it’s just… it’s just all like… it’s all smooth down there. SCP-3740: Absolutely not. Add in a couple of days to explore the surrounding region. It’s absolutely madness. You know what I mean, obviously, but still. Let me just get-, (SCP-3740 manipulates the wind in the room to move Agent Allen's mug over to a cask and pour him another drink, returning the cup when finished. I told her, brothers, I told her the other day, just the other day, that she has more power than anyone I have ever met before! I know of no better way to describe a great warrior empress like yourself! All smooth down there. I walked into the room and announced myself as Bliss Delight, a being of pure energy, built up some static on my hand and zapped him a bit, and he said “always a pleasure to meet a fellow god” and even now to this day continues to call me Bliss Delight. Suen: What do you mean, "royal château"? (There is a loud cracking sound, and then the unknown humanoid entity appears.). Who are you? This entity, a muscular humanoid male wearing an armored chestplate and helm and carrying a spear, communicated briefly with containment personnel before disappearing. The Kingdom of Ellyrion is a land of gentle summers and mild winters, of sweeping plains, azure skies and heady pollen. SCP-3740. Do go on! In order to prevent any such event and maintain long-term containment of SCP-3740, the following MOUNT OLYMPUS PROTOCOL has been enacted to coordinate any future communications with SCP-3740. Agent Allen nods in approval.). Thaddeus! The following is a transcript of that exchange. SCP Foundation: SCP-3740 (Ashur, God of the Windswept Plains and Soaring Skies) has a bad case of this, which actually makes him fairly easy to contain despite being the Physical God of wind and perfectly capable of calling The river is teeming with fish, with several species of bass being the predominant catch. But we got lucky in this case. I’m sure Eleanora has important business to speak of to me. Additionally, the members of SCP-3740’s containment team are to refer to themselves and each other by the following pseudonyms: Ongoing containment of SCP-3740 requires strict adherence to a disinformation campaign created by Site-81 containment specialists, currently designated as the Mount Olympus Protocol. Unfortunately, you see, I have been cursed. Leads: That is very kind of you to say, Ashur. The, uh, the Unbroken. (Suen disappears without warning). SCP-3740 is able to produce gusts of wind in excess of 500 kph, and create and control cyclones and other such meteorological formations. SCP-3740 was discovered during an altercation at a bar near the Turkish city of Gaziantep. Thou in her, the hand of God, She in thee, with lips inspired, Owns the Mother of her Lord. I was just telling my friend Ulmar here about our misadventures in the old times! Ulthuan forms a hollow ring of land floating in the sea, surrounding an Inner Sea. Leads: I certainly appreciate the sentiment, Ashur, thank you. In order to facilitate proper communications with SCP-3740, all research and administrative personnel are to perform a feat sufficient enough to prove to SCP-3740 that they are divine beings, on an equal footing to SCP-3740. Actual supernatural feats are not required as evidence of deific power: simple card tricks or sleight of hand are sufficient proof of godhood in the eyes of SCP-3740. SCP-3740: -and there I was, standing alone on the battlefield, and over the river is Adam El Asem. Jim Oppenheimer told him about how he “fought and killed a thousand men, singlehandedly, for betraying his brother” and the guy now calls him Aldous Manhattan, Slayer of His Enemies. Suen: Ashur? Haneul: Haneul is a Korean unisex name, meaning ‘sky.’ We think it would make a perfect pick for parents who want a name that bridges cultures. (Pauses) There is one thing, I remember. (Takes a deep breath, closes his eyes slightly) What, dear Eleanora, is the extent of the… of the… of the damage? . Suen: Ulmar? (Makes a dismissive gesture) But don't worry about any of that, just keep up the good work! Ashur, what is the meaning of this? God is with me. Hello? I would very much like to intercou-. SCP-3740: Ah, Suen! Please see Addendum 3740.2 for more information. Q3: I'm flying to … Who are you? Let his cries be heard forevermore from the salted earth! Append content without editing the whole page source. The purpose of maintaining ancient lore and culture intact ensures survival in times of great challenge…..to change ancestral lore can cause extinction. Thaddeus, Artemor. Thaddeus! Leads, nod in agreement.). It is famed for its horses, who thunder across moor and heath from dawn to dusk. Unfortunately, you see, I have been cursed. But we got lucky in this case. Note: The following is an excerpt from the transcript of recorded audio taken from a weekly feast held by SCP-3740 within its containment cell with members of its research team. SCP-3740: Aha! Suen: Ulmar? Greater even than the Polymorph of Diogenyses, or the Marmlukk of the Arab Well. The rain thing, yes, the summoning the storm thing. (Laughs) "God of the Moon". Our good friend Tiamat procured these bottomless casks of the finest amber ale, and look here! The god prepared to obey his great father’s order, and first fastened the golden sandals to his feet that carry him high on the wing over land and sea, like the storm. SCP-3740: (Slams his fist on the table) Gods be damned! Blessed Mothers! Did anyone else see that? So far, the following acts have been sufficient to fool SCP-3740: Addendum 3740.5: Feast Event Transcription. God her shame from her hath taken, He hath heard her fervent pray'r. Leads claps her hands three times, and outside containment personnel proceed to activate the sprinklers within the cell.). Foundation actors posing as other members of the Assyrian pantheon have helped to strengthen the illusion of the Protocol. SCP-3740: Nonsense. (Suen disappears without warning). Behold his magnificent power! You mean the bathroom? Let his cries be heard forevermore from the salted earth! Truly astounding. Very tragic. Sometimes this unnatural order of things throws you a softball, and this ball might as well be made out of mozzarella. Gaze upon the length of his tongue! Isn’t this lackadaisical approach to SCP-3740’s containment counterintuitive and dangerous?” The answer to that second question is yes, usually. What a remarkable treasure! (Laughs) "God of the Moon". SCP-3740: As I was saying, Suen, it's excellent to see you again. Now, Eleanora. A land at once vast and wild, bustling and serene, Argentina goes from dust-choked desert plateaus through rolling Pampas grassland to the icefields of the Patagonian reaches. (Sighs) What a relief. Why? (A fierce wind is kicked up and SCP-3740’s chair is knocked backwards. Foundation actors posing as other members of the Assyrian pantheon have helped to strengthen the illusion of the Protocol. Dr. Barrett: I- I'm Ulmar. So one time I was hired to fight the Broken God on a field in Alagadda, and I’ve got the Spear of the Non-Believer in my right hand and the severed head of Jack Bright in my left-. Its skies were the battlefield for Horus and Seth (Zeus and Typhon). An Elamite witch? I’m sure Eleanora has important business to speak of to me. According to de Moor, the Phoenician version of Yahweh was Yam, again, a sea god. How can this be? SCP-3740: But very well. I have only the finest furnishings and decor here, as you can see. 1 Geography 2 History 3 Gallery 4 Trivia 5 References Glubina's topography varies between steep hills, coniferous woodlands, shallow valleys, and expansive windswept plains. SCP-3740: Spirits have mercy! This is a wild, high, windswept and sunburned prairie of isolated communities of SCP-3740 is capable of manipulating air currents at will, as well as communing with flying animals, and controlling air pressure and temperature. SCP-3740: I would very much enjoy the opportunity to intercourse with you sexually, Eleanora. SCP-3740’s cells are to be supplied with hand-crafted, rustic furnishings and an abundance of animal pelts and torches, as well as a large stone fireplace and bearskin rug. Addendum 3740.4: Proof of Supernatural Abilities. The guy just cannot be helped. A powerful lord of this world, such as myself. He scrambles up off of the floor.) Leads claps her hands three times, and outside containment personnel proceed to activate the sprinklers within the cell.). So we’ve set the guy up with a convincing enough spread, told him it’s super important that he not destroy the cell, and he’s perfectly content to sit around, drinking and fucking and having these crazy feasts with the members of his containment team. What does that even mean. You've got a sort of- yeah, okay, absolutely, this is great. . Only God could do that. How can this be? A thrilling tale! Suen: (Takes Dr. Barrett aside) You would not believe how long we've been babysitting Ashur. I cast a pox on the fiendish creature who did this to you. What a character though, huh? It was just a, uh, goblin… a goblin ran past, and just… just stole my nethers. The Ballad Of Ellis Mey 3. Dr. The bosk, without which the Wagon Peoples could not live, is an oxlike creature. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. I’m not joking. (The two men depart.) SCP-3740: Cursed? SCP-3740: And greetings to you, oh wondrous enchantress! Agent Ivers: Ahhhhh don’t listen to him. In an act of aggression against the Purelakers, the Shen seized the southern Plains of An'she in order to reconstruct their old capital city of Shen Zhengyi. God Torresperez - Fm 1192, Vancouver, British Columbia 6049619004 / 604-961-9004 Leilene Starlings - Green Hills Dr, Vancouver, British Columbia 6049615144 / 604-961-5144 Mylo Schulle - El Lago Ct, Vancouver, British It’s certainly no mean feat to contain reality benders, let alone Class 8s, and we usually break out the big guns for them. Here’s the thing: SCP-3740 is hands down, in all seriousness, 100% no doubt easily the most gullible person I’ve ever met in my entire life. Leads: I- yes, you’ve mentioned as much, Ashur. Preface: The following document is an excerpt from an internal memo between members of the Site-81 containment research team. Dr. Barrett: Hang on- what? My friend Bonebreaker5, there are facilities just down the hall here- the finest in the entire realm, imported straight from the far off land of Kohler! (Gestures towards two members of the security team) Come in here, yes, come here. A vulture’s eyesight is needle-sharp: it can locate a recently-deceased animal carcass from as much as a mile away. Agent Ivers: Ahhhhh don’t listen to him. Wake Up Sinners by The Dustbowl Sinners, released 21 March 2020 1. Esen is a Turkish name, meaning ‘the wind.’ It’s dramatic and windswept, and it would make an unique name for your daughter. (Addresses Dr. Barrett) Who are you? Researcher Robinson: What? Leads: Goblin, Ashur. Dieu was the French for God and that was God’s name too; and when Truly unbelievable! Find out what you can do. Dr. SCP-3740: As I was saying, Suen, it's excellent to see you again. As per usual, SCP-3740 has had no issue accepting this version of events. In this case, though, we don’t need to worry about that. It soars with its broad wings held in a shallow V, and swoops down to catch ground squirrels, snakes, young jackrabbits, and other good-sized prey. SCP-3740 is more than capable at any given point in time of breaching containment. One more flash came, and this time Harry unmistakably saw a humanoid figure soaring above. Say, what sort of nonsense is going on here? 1 year ago SCP-3311, SCP-3740. How are you? SCP-3740: Smacked him in the face with the God Rod, of course! Note: The following is an excerpt from the transcription of an interview administered by Dr. Monica Leads shortly after the introduction of the Mount Olympus Protocol. Its soaring may look serene, but its eyes are constantly trained on the vista below it, scanning the plains and thickets for one thing: food. Isn’t this lackadaisical approach to SCP-3740’s containment counterintuitive and dangerous?” The answer to that second question is yes, usually. (Sighs) What a relief. Description: SCP-3740 is a Class VIII humanoid reality-altering entity believed to be Ashur, the Assyro-Babylonian god of air and head of the Assyrian pantheon of deities. Here’s The Ultimate Bucket List For Minnesotans Who Are Obsessed With Nature. There are forests, granite moonscapes, windswept craters, glacial lakes, torrents, peat bogs, maquis, snow-capped peaks, plains and névés (stretches of ice formed from snow). SCP-3740 may very well turn into a containment risk at some point, and for the time being we’re not going to challenge his classification. Artemor! Whereas further south are the arid lands of the windswept plains of Patagonia. Image taken from SCP-3740's personal belongings. Do go on! SCP-3740: You are full of shit, are you not? You've returned to the past as well? A powerful lord of this world, such as myself. This regal bird is the largest of our soaring Buteo hawks, a fitting raptor for the wide skies and windswept plains of the west. SCP-3740: Spirits save you! Also, the traditional Assyrian eponym of the royal name Ashur, Lord of the Kainites (Ashur-bel-Kaini), paralleling the Sumerian Ashur, Lord of the Duni (Ashurenduni), implies that the People of Kain (Kaini) and the People of Dun (Duni) are the same. (Laughs) We even had this whole custody thing set up, where I'd take him for a few decades, and then Nergal would be after me but he's always busy with something, and that Nazarene wino with the fish obsession has been flaking for like two thousand years, but… either way, listen, you're doing me a huge favor here buddy. SCP-3740: Nonsense. Dr. What a calamitous turn of events. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. It is the best-known of hundreds of tiny countries in the Ramtops, occupying a vertiginous shelf looking over the Sto Plains. (Makes a dismissive gesture) But don't worry about any of that, just keep up the good work! It is often seen sitting on the ground in open fields. I've never heard of an Ulmar the Unbroken! Leads: Goblin, Ashur. Can you believe that guy thinks he's a god? The rain thing, yes, the summoning the storm thing. Do you not realize that you are- (Pauses) ohhhh, I see what's going on here. Please! He’s full of shit. Dr. (Dr. Barrett hesitantly draws his elbow to his mouth and licks it.). Within the containment cell, there are three types of individuals permitted to interact with SCP-3740 at any given time: SCP-3740 (Chuckling) Man, that Suen. In this case, though, we don’t need to worry about that. The Forge-City of Grungni: Created after Sigmar released the duardin god from his chains, located in the Age of Chaos by Barak-Zilfin - it is infested with Skaven. A witch? An Elamite witch? Now, Eleanora. 3. This was the destination of Gilgamesh ’s second quest for immortality, for he took a ship of Egypt ( Magan ). The section around Colorado Bend State Park offers spectacular scenery accentuated by bald eagles soaring in the skies close to where they nest (eagles also nest on the other sections of the Colorado, and will be discussed on another page.) What a character though, huh? But for only a brief instant, the winds became but a quiet hush as the air around him stood still. Researcher Robinson: I’ve got one better. So I’m waving the business at him, and he- hang on, Xenu, you want another drink? God was God’s name just as his name was Stephen. Yet while the air and the water in the streams are bracing, the .sun is fiery. Due to SCP-3740’s abilities and characteristics, it is currently classified as a Keter-class anomalous entity. Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. I just wanted to make sure you were wanting for nothing here, Ashur. Now I see them as giants: a duckling is squat on the surface; a guano bird stretches its enormous body below. During these events, Foundation personnel are to provide a whole cow or swine, which SCP-3740 will cook and serve to its preference. It soars with its broad wings held in a shallow V, and swoops down to catch ground squirrels, snakes, young jackrabbits, and other good-sized prey. 38. Actual supernatural feats are not required as evidence of deific power: simple card tricks or sleight of hand are sufficient proof of godhood in the eyes of SCP-3740. Glubina is a mountainous region in northeastern Yuktobania, southwest of Okchabursk and northeast of the Jilachi Desert. Suen: What do you mean, "royal château"? level 2 DANK-ELDRITCH-BOI Original Poster 1 … SCP-3740: -so then I told him, what greater power could a god wield than that of spinning an orange ball on one finger? SCP-3740 is more than capable at any given point in time of breaching containment. Few regions in the country remain as preserved as this western frontier, whose raw landscape of high, windswept plains, dense pine and hemlock forests, and twisting rivers is framed by snowcapped mountain ranges and see-forever blue skies. SCP-3740: Hahahaha! Very tragic. Gaze upon the length of his tongue! SCP-3740: Undoubtedly! But it doesn’t come easy: the path is rocky and sometimes steep, and includes rickety bridges and slippery rock faces – all part of the fun. SCP-3740 appears as a young, tall, muscular human male with generally fair skin and black hair. SCP-3740 currently believes it resides in a building called the “Angolian Château”, a structure it conquered while black-out drunk during the brawl that led to its discovery. Stay under wide-open skies at the sanctuary’s 15-site campground ($15), or book its cozy cabin ($125) or the lodge ($150). Suddenly the idea of leaving isn't quite so appealing. In the local Greek version, Atlas was the son of Poseidon, god... 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'' addendum-37401-strong-discovery-p-pscp-3740-was-discovered-during-an-altercation-at-a-bar-near-the-turkish-city-of-gaziantep-according-to-eyewitness-reports-scp-3740-was-seen-drinking-heavily-with-a-large-group-of-individuals-at-the-bar-when-he-was-shoved-by-another-patron-due-to-some-perceived-insult-a-brawl-began-which-ended-when-scp-3740-blew-out-the-front-wall-of-the-building-injuring-18-people-and-resulting-in-thousands-of-dollars-of-property-damage-local-authorities-apprehended-the-severely-intoxicated-scp-3740-who-began-to-rant-unceasingly-about-his-incredible-cosmic-power-until-local-foundation-agents-intercepted-the-authorities-and-apprehended-scp-3740-p-pstrongaddendum-37402-strong-mount-olympus-protocol-p-pempreface-the-following-document-is-an-excerpt-from-an-internal-memo-between-members-of-the-site-81-containment-research-team-em-p-blockquote-pstrongscp-foundation-secure-server-strongbr-strongsite-81-strong-p-pstrong3740-4-classified-information-strong-p-pstrongto-strong-3740-research-team-site-81-containment-research-team-site-81-administration-site-directors-council-foundation-containment-committee-p-pstrongfrom-strong-dr-g-mcelroy-site-81-containment-research-head-p-pim-sending-out-this-memo-because-im-sure-many-of-you-will-notice-by-the-morning-that-weve-cancelled-our-order-for-additional-containment-measures-its-certainly-no-mean-feat-to-contain-reality-benders-let-alone-class-8s-and-we-usually-break-out-the-big-guns-for-them-in-this-case-though-we-dont-need-to-worry-about-that-p-pyoure-probably-asking-yourself-right-now-but-dr-mcelroy-why-wouldnt-we-pull-out-all-the-stops-for-an-entity-that-could-very-literally-blow-the-roof-off-of-site-81-isnt-this-lackadaisical-approach-to-scp-3740s-containment-counterintuitive-and-dangerous-the-answer-to-that-second-question-is-yes-usually-but-we-got-lucky-in-this-case-sometimes-this-unnatural-order-of-things-throws-you-a-softball-and-this-ball-might-as-well-be-made-out-of-mozzarella-p-pheres-the-thing-scp-3740-is-hands-down-in-all-seriousness-100-no-doubt-easily-the-most-gullible-person-ive-ever-met-in-my-entire-life-im-not-joking-i-walked-into-the-room-and-announced-myself-as-bliss-delight-a-being-of-pure-energy-built-up-some-static-on-my-hand-and-zapped-him-a-bit-and-he-said-always-a-pleasure-to-meet-a-fellow-god-and-even-now-emto-this-day-em-continues-to-call-me-bliss-delight-jim-oppenheimer-told-him-about-how-he-fought-and-killed-a-thousand-men-singlehandedly-for-betraying-his-brother-and-the-guy-now-calls-him-aldous-manhattan-slayer-of-his-enemies-its-absolutely-madness-p-pso-weve-set-the-guy-up-with-a-convincing-enough-spread-told-him-its-super-important-that-he-not-destroy-the-cell-and-hes-perfectly-content-to-sit-around-drinking-and-fucking-and-having-these-crazy-feasts-with-the-members-of-his-containment-team-p-pscp-3740-may-very-well-turn-into-a-containment-risk-at-some-point-and-for-the-time-being-were-not-going-to-challenge-his-classification-but-know-that-you-can-rest-easy-because-the-most-dangerous-entity-at-site-81-thinks-director-aktus-is-a-supernatural-space-all-father-named-maltheus-the-horror-of-hadrians-hell-because-he-knows-how-to-turn-on-a-lightswitch-p-blockquote-pscp-3740-is-more-than-capable-at-any-given-point-in-time-of-breaching-containment-in-order-to-prevent-any-such-event-and-maintain-long-term-containment-of-scp-3740-the-following-mount-olympus-protocol-has-been-enacted-to-coordinate-any-future-communications-with-scp-3740-p-pscp-3740-currently-believes-it-resides-in-a-building-called-the-angolian-chateau-a-structure-it-conquered-while-black-out-drunk-during-the-brawl-that-led-to-its-discovery-within-the-containment-cell-there-are-three-types-of-individuals-permitted-to-interact-with-scp-3740-at-any-given-time-p-ul-listrongservants-strong-scp-3740-believes-that-its-containment-cell-is-staffed-with-servants-or-slaves-who-he-refers-to-as-elamites-or-chaldeans-these-individuals-are-not-permitted-to-speak-to-scp-3740-or-make-eye-contact-with-the-entity-as-these-are-signs-of-perceived-disrespect-and-will-agitate-scp-3740-considerably-all-individuals-of-this-type-are-d-class-personnel-scp-3740-will-typically-ignore-these-individuals-and-not-act-with-any-hostility-towards-them-so-long-as-they-maintain-their-character-li-listrongchateau-guardians-strong-these-are-members-of-site-81-security-personnel-who-wear-period-appropriate-armor-and-weapons-and-serve-as-the-guards-at-the-front-door-of-the-containment-cell-due-to-their-status-as-military-personnel-scp-3740-typically-treats-them-as-brothers-in-arms-though-with-no-illusions-about-the-difference-in-class-or-rank-between-them-scp-3740-may-occasionally-call-on-these-individuals-to-spar-with-him-and-they-are-expected-to-be-overwhelmed-by-him-and-surrendersup-classfootnoterefa-idfootnoteref-4-hrefjavascript-classfootnoteref-onclickwikidotpageutilsscrolltoreferencefootnote-44-a-sup-li-listronggods-and-heroes-strong-these-are-members-of-the-site-containment-team-and-research-personnel-who-have-convinced-scp-3740-that-they-are-gods-or-legendary-heroes-scp-3740-has-an-extremely-familiar-relationship-with-all-of-these-individuals-and-speaks-of-them-as-if-they-were-his-own-family-members-he-will-routinely-request-their-presence-at-feasts-he-holds-within-his-containment-cell-during-which-he-will-consume-an-inhuman-amount-of-alcohol-and-share-grandiose-tales-with-his-fellow-deities-as-well-as-mock-or-scorn-the-elamites-and-chaldeans-li-ul-pscp-3740-has-been-led-to-believe-that-the-brawl-that-led-to-his-discovery-was-so-fierce-it-opened-a-passageway-through-space-and-time-and-returned-him-to-antiquity-where-he-once-again-rules-supreme-at-the-top-of-the-assyrian-pantheon-as-per-usual-scp-3740-has-had-no-issue-accepting-this-version-of-events-foundation-actors-posing-as-other-members-of-the-assyrian-pantheon-have-helped-to-strengthen-the-illusion-of-the-protocol-p-pstrongaddendum-37403-strong-interview-with-scp-3740-p-pemnote-the-following-is-an-excerpt-from-the-transcription-of-an-interview-administered-by-dr-monica-leads-shortly-after-the-introduction-of-the-mount-olympus-protocol-em-p-blockquote-pstrongdr-leads-strong-ashur-greetings-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-and-greetings-to-you-oh-wondrous-enchantress-i-was-just-speaking-to-hang-on-thaddeus-artemor-emgestures-towards-two-members-of-the-security-team-em-come-in-here-yes-come-here-i-was-just-telling-my-brothers-thaddeus-and-artemor-about-you-eleanora-this-friends-is-the-beautiful-and-terrible-eleanora-thunderclap-is-she-not-a-sight-to-behold-p-pemthe-members-of-the-security-team-both-of-whom-report-directly-to-dr-leads-nod-in-agreement-em-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-that-is-very-kind-of-you-to-say-ashur-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-nonsense-i-know-of-no-better-way-to-describe-a-great-warrior-empress-like-yourself-here-eleanora-show-them-the-show-them-the-thing-again-the-rain-thing-yes-the-summoning-the-storm-thing-please-p-pemdr-leads-claps-her-hands-three-times-and-outside-containment-personnel-proceed-to-activate-the-sprinklers-within-the-cell-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-hahahaha-what-great-power-i-told-her-brothers-i-told-her-the-other-day-emjust-em-the-other-day-that-she-has-more-power-than-anyone-i-have-ever-met-before-greater-even-than-the-polymorph-of-diogenyses-or-the-marmlukk-of-the-arab-well-maybe-second-only-to-our-great-companion-solomon-who-i-only-recently-observed-emremoving-his-thumb-simply-by-moving-his-other-hand-em-truly-astounding-p-pemboth-guards-nod-in-agreement-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-but-very-well-im-sure-eleanora-has-important-business-to-speak-of-to-me-thaddeus-artemor-to-your-stations-emthe-two-men-depart-em-now-eleanora-lets-speak-candidly-how-are-you-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-im-well-ashur-how-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-i-would-very-much-enjoy-the-opportunity-to-intercourse-with-you-sexually-eleanora-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-i-yes-youve-mentioned-as-much-ashur-unfortunately-you-see-i-have-been-cursed-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-cursed-cursed-how-can-this-be-who-would-do-this-terrible-thing-to-you-was-it-an-elamite-a-witch-an-elamite-witch-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-no-no-no-definitely-not-an-elamite-it-was-just-a-uh-goblin8230-a-goblin-ran-past-and-just8230-just-stole-my-nethers-very-tragic-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-emslams-his-fist-on-the-table-em-gods-be-damned-except-us-of-course-but-either-way-emtakes-a-deep-breath-closes-his-eyes-slightly-em-what-dear-eleanora-is-the-extent-of-the-of-the-of-the-damage-embraces-himself-in-anticipation-em-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-i-mean-its-just-its-just-all-like-its-all-smooth-down-there-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-spirits-have-mercy-ema-fierce-wind-is-kicked-up-and-scp-3740s-chair-is-knocked-backwards-he-scrambles-up-off-of-the-floor-em-you-poor-unfortunate-soul-i-cast-a-pox-on-the-fiendish-creature-who-did-this-to-you-let-his-cries-be-heard-forevermore-from-the-salted-earth-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-i-certainly-appreciate-the-sentiment-ashur-thank-you-but-be-true-the-reason-ive-come-to-see-you-is-to-ask-if-you-are-enjoying-your-accommodations-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-undoubtedly-i-have-only-the-finest-furnishings-and-decor-here-as-you-can-see-our-good-friend-tiamat-procured-these-bottomless-casks-of-the-finest-amber-ale-and-look-here-ulmar-brought-me-this-most-peculiar-torch-and-see-this-emscp-3740-claps-once-and-the-light-comes-on-em-what-a-remarkable-treasure-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-of-course-i-just-wanted-to-make-sure-you-were-wanting-for-nothing-here-ashur-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-absolutely-not-why-would-i-ever-want-to-leave-such-a-palace-empauses-em-there-is-one-thing-i-remember-i-would-very-much-like-to-intercou-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-goblin-ashur-all-smooth-down-there-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-gods-be-damned-p-blockquote-pstrongaddendum-37404-strong-proof-of-supernatural-abilities-p-pin-order-to-facilitate-proper-communications-with-scp-3740-all-research-and-administrative-personnel-are-to-perform-a-feat-sufficient-enough-to-prove-to-scp-3740-that-they-are-divine-beings-on-an-equal-footing-to-scp-3740-so-far-the-following-acts-have-been-sufficient-to-fool-scp-3740-p-ul-liemstrongdr-clark-strong-floated-an-iron-ball-across-the-room-using-magnets-and-wire-em-li-liemstrongdr-yemma-strong-used-a-laser-pointer-to-make-a-cat-run-around-em-li-liemstrongresearcher-kiryu-strong-having-hair-of-a-non-natural-color-em-li-liemstrongdr-vanderbilt-strong-pulled-a-quarter-out-of-scp-3740s-ear-em-li-liemstrongdr-andrews-strong-held-a-pencil-to-the-side-of-his-head-and-pretended-to-swallow-it-em-li-liemstrongresearcher-dansby-strong-juggled-em-li-liemstrongasst-director-schmidt-strong-performed-a-card-trick-em-li-liemstrongresearcher-quarlo-strong-shotgunned-a-beer-em-li-liemstrongdir-aktus-strong-turned-on-a-light-switch-em-li-ul-pstrongaddendum-37405-strong-feast-event-transcription-p-pemnote-the-following-is-an-excerpt-from-the-transcript-of-recorded-audio-taken-from-a-weekly-feast-held-by-scp-3740-within-its-containment-cell-with-members-of-its-research-team-em-p-blockquote-pstrongscp-3740-strong-and-there-i-was-standing-alone-on-the-battlefield-and-over-the-river-is-adam-el-asem-hes-all-worked-up-see-because-i-was-waving-the-goods-at-him-and-p-pstrongresearcher-kale-strong-goods-p-pstrongagent-ivers-strong-he-means-his-dick-p-pstrongagent-allen-strong-his-god-rod-p-pemthe-whole-room-laughs-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-thats-the-one-so-im-waving-the-business-at-him-and-he-hang-on-xenu-you-want-another-drink-who-am-i-kidding-of-course-you-do-let-me-just-get-p-pemscp-3740-manipulates-the-wind-in-the-room-to-move-agent-allens-mug-over-to-a-cask-and-pour-him-another-drink-returning-the-cup-when-finished-agent-allen-nods-in-approval-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-anyway-he-he-tries-to-throw-the-whole-river-at-me-can-you-believe-that-after-id-offered-him-the-courtesy-of-taking-the-high-ground-he-decides-he-wants-to-to-give-me-the-ole-one-two-dunk-a-roo-p-pstrongdr-vickers-strong-the-scoundrel-p-pstrongresearcher-kale-strong-so-what-did-you-do-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-smacked-him-in-the-face-with-the-god-rod-of-course-p-pemthe-room-laughs-again-em-p-pstrongresearcher-robinson-strong-ive-got-one-better-so-one-time-i-was-hired-to-fight-the-broken-god-on-a-field-in-alagadda-and-ive-got-the-spear-of-the-non-believer-in-my-right-hand-and-the-severed-head-of-jack-bright-in-my-left-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-aha-a-thrilling-tale-do-go-on-p-pstrongagent-ivers-strong-ahhhhh-dont-listen-to-him-hes-full-of-shit-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-spirits-save-you-what-a-calamitous-turn-of-events-my-friend-bonebreakersup-classfootnoterefa-idfootnoteref-5-hrefjavascript-classfootnoteref-onclickwikidotpageutilsscrolltoreferencefootnote-55-a-sup-there-are-facilities-just-down-the-hall-here-the-finest-in-the-entire-realm-imported-straight-from-the-far-off-land-of-kohler-p-pstrongresearcher-robinson-strong-what-you-mean-the-bathroom-why-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-you-are-full-of-shit-are-you-not-p-pemthe-room-laughs-again-em-p-blockquote-pstrongaddendum-37406-strong-11-4-2017-event-transcription-p-pemnote-on-11-4-2017-another-entity-called-quotsuenquot-by-scp-3740-appeared-suddenly-within-scp-3740s-containment-chamber-this-entity-a-muscular-humanoid-male-wearing-an-armored-chestplate-and-helm-and-carrying-a-spear-communicated-briefly-with-containment-personnel-before-disappearing-the-following-is-a-transcript-of-that-exchange-em-p-blockquote-pstrongscp-3740-strong-so-then-i-told-him-what-greater-power-could-a-god-wield-than-that-of-spinning-an-orange-ball-on-one-finger-truly-unbelievable-p-pemthere-is-a-loud-cracking-sound-and-then-the-unknown-humanoid-entity-appears-em-p-pstrongsuen-strong-ashur-come-on-buddy-its-time-to-wait-hang-on-whats-going-on-here-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-ah-suen-my-friend-youve-returned-to-the-past-as-well-what-a-fortunate-coincidence-i-was-just-telling-my-friend-ulmar-here-about-our-misadventures-in-the-old-times-p-pstrongsuen-strong-ulmar-emaddresses-dr-barrett-em-who-are-you-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-i-im-ulmar-the-uh-the-unbroken-who-are-you-p-pstrongsuen-strong-ulmar-ive-never-heard-of-an-ulmar-the-unbroken-say-what-sort-of-nonsense-is-going-on-here-ashur-what-is-the-meaning-of-this-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-i-already-told-you-graceful-and-delicate-suen-this-is-p-pstrongsuen-strong-dont-call-me-that-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-ulmar-the-unbroken-a-powerful-lord-of-this-world-such-as-myself-behold-his-magnificent-power-emnudges-dr-barrett-em-show-him-the-breadth-of-your-strength-ulmar-p-pemdr-barrett-hesitantly-draws-his-elbow-to-his-mouth-and-licks-it-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-emgasps-audibly-em-revel-in-this-majesty-with-me-suen-see-how-his-arm-does-not-break-free-from-the-socket-gaze-upon-the-length-of-his-tongue-the-nations-of-the-world-should-rightfully-fear-this-man-p-pemsuen-does-not-appear-impressed-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-as-i-was-saying-suen-its-excellent-to-see-you-again-my-fine-companion-ulmar-here-and-the-members-of-his-pantheon-have-suitably-stocked-this-royal-chateau-i-now-inhabit-all-in-the-finest-wares-from-across-the-countryside-it-is-a-veritable-fortress-of-luxury-my-friend-p-pstrongsuen-strong-what-do-you-mean-quotroyal-chateauquot-do-you-not-realize-that-you-are-empauses-em-ohhhh-i-see-whats-going-on-here-youve-got-a-sort-of-yeah-okay-absolutely-this-is-great-emsighs-em-what-a-relief-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-what-what-do-you-mean-p-pstrongsuen-strong-emtakes-dr-barrett-aside-em-you-would-not-believe-how-long-weve-been-babysitting-ashur-the-guy-just- can not -be-helped-you-know-what-i-mean-obviously-but-still-a-handful-am-i-right-emlaughs-em-we-even-had-this-whole-custody-thing-set-up-where-id-take-him-for-a-few-decades-and-then-nergal-would-be-after-me-but-hes-always-busy-with-something-and-that-nazarene-wino-with-the-fish-obsession-has-been-flaking-for-like-two-thousand-years-but8230-either-way-listen-youre-doing-me-a-huge-favor-here-buddy-i-cant-tell-you-how-much-i-appreciate-it-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-hang-on-what-who-are-you-again-p-pstrongsuen-strong-suen-god-of-the-moon-emmakes-a-dismissive-gesture-em-but-dont-worry-about-any-of-that-just-keep-up-the-good-work-if-you-need-anything-call-me-emsuen-disappears-without-warning-em-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-wha-what-hello-did-anyone-else-see-that-p-pstrongscp-3740 '' > Addendum 3740.1: Discovery: Ahhhhh don ’ need!