Cats must never eat uncooked rice. But the good news is that rice is not among those poisonous foods. Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet So it can help to give your cat some calories. Salt, spices, garlic, onions, and other foods and additives commonly mixed with rice are potentially toxic for cats. Can Cats Eat Rice? Rice can’t give your fluffy pal much protein – and cats thrive mainly on proteins. In fact, rice doesn’t have much nutritional value for cats. As with most food, moderation is key and feeding your cat rice has both its pros and cons. Can Cats Eat Rice? Cats are carnivores and need meat. Again, rice can be consumed by cats but shouldn’t be encouraged. Rice is definitely one of the staple foods, in the United States and in many other countries. Watch Kitten Cam On APL!VE. Cats normally love to eat rice with their cat food. There are certain plants and food that are toxic to your cat. What Cats Can Eat. Aside from your cat’s stomach not being able to digest uncooked rice, it can also contain a pesticide that has lectin. But, if she is suffering from an upset stomach is better to avoid rice. In reality, the answer to this seemingly simple question is a complex one. Lectin can cause diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, and abdominal pain in your cat. Cooked rice should be mixed in small amounts with a food that your cat is already used to eating. Rice is a grain, and most of the cat food manufacturers prefer their products to be grain-free. If you have a cat in the house who enjoys people food, it’s only natural that at some point you find yourself debating over whether cats can eat rice. 10 Table Foods Pets Shouldn’t Eat. An occasional taste of cooked boneless beef or brown rice can be an OK treat. But it's best to keep it small and infrequent. Source: The Happy Cat Site When is rice bad for my cat to eat? Young cats should not eat rice as it can negatively affect development. Russell Cargill. Even small amounts of uncooked rice can cause side effects. So, what foods can Fluffy eat safely off of the table? If your cat has accidentally eaten some rice, it will not cause any harm to her. Talking with your vet about the cat food you provide and following the directions on the label will help ensure your cat's diet is balanced and your cat stays healthy. Russell is the owner of and creator of Grubbycat and manages the team of expert writers on the site. Cats. Yes, cats can eat rice. Rice is a gluten-free source of digestible carbohydrate for many cats as long as they don’t have problems digesting grains. HELLO About the blog: More on. Some people would happily tell you that cats can eat rice safely, while others would tell you that cats should never eat rice. They are also one of the easiest grains for your cat to digest. The lack of nutritional value and the dangers of malnutrition make rice a food that you can do without to feed your cat. Can My Cat Eat Rice? We are here to tell you that the answer to this question is both yes and no. Rice is a common food for Asian. Yes! Rice can’t give your feline friend much protein – and cats … Like all “human” foods that don’t do a lot of good for cats, our recommendation is not to bother feeding your kitty with it. Can cats eat rice pudding? And a good rule of thumb is that human food should not make up more than 15 percent of a cat's diet. Felines are carnivores and their primary source of nutrition comes from meat. Avoid feeding your cat any human treats. Yes, Cats can eat rice as rice is non-toxic to cats. Seasoning, sauces, or additives. You can feed your cat steamed or boiled peas in moderation, but don’t feed them as more than 10% of your cat’s daily diet. It is not safe for cats. Stick with a high quality formulated cat treat.