In it, soldiers agree to subordinate their own interests to those o f the unit, Army and Nation, as represented by the Crown: “I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me.” (1). The Values are about character and spirit: the Standards define our actions and behaviour: I expect everyone in the Army to abide by these Values and Standards. As with mission command, commanders must give direction, delegate and t hen supervise. Soldiers come in all shapes and sizes and all deserve to be treated fairly. Subordinates must be loyal to their leaders, their team, and their duty. Such matters are usually regarded as personal, but where the Army becomes involved, administrative or disciplinary action may be taken. These relationships find expression in the Colours, Standards and o ther emblems of Regimental and Corps spirit, which derive from t he Sovereign. It is an important part of Army life. 30. Showing physical courage and risking injury or death to complete the mission is about controlling your fear, rather than a lack of fear. Discipline instills self-control and breeds self-confidence. The reputation of the British Army is extremely high. 1. Morale consists of many factors, including confidence in equipment, good training and sound administration; but ultimately it is the confidence between commanders and subordinates and between individual soldiers. The Curragh Incident showed it would be difficult to use the British army to coerce Ulster into home rule from Dublin. The Army also prohibits relationships between certain categories of Soldiers, regardless of any command or unit affiliation. It depends on high personal standards that will earn you the trust and respect of your teammates. The training, group organizations, the whole pattern of life of the professional man at arms is designed in a deliberate effort to foster them, not just because they are morally desirable in themselves, but because they contribute to military efficiency.’, “The Profession of Arms” - The 1962 Lees Knowles lectures, L t Gen Sir John Hackett. In that respect t hey are no different from other citizens, and all civil offences have been fully embraced within military law (2). The effect of drugs can remain in your body for a long time. realise your potential. The Army’s Standards are designed to ensure that all behaviour is lawful; appropriate; and totally professional. In 2013, a UK parliamentary committee report was published, examining the UK's relationship with Saudi Arabia. All soldiers must act within the law and the nature of modern, complex, land based operations makes it essential that they maintain the highest standards of decency and fairness at all times, even under the most difficult of conditions. When the British asked Ranoddip Shumsher, Jung’s successor, for 1,000 troops in 1878, Ranoddip sent half the number, of whom not many were fit for service . This is why the Army depends on high standards, and why it has a more demanding approach towards certain types of behaviour and relationships than the rest of society. Disclaimer: Please note the codes in our collection might not necessarily be the most recent versions. British Army Rules. Relationships of the same and opposite genders are prohibited if they fall into any of the following categories: Compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of command 23. (3) Greater detail can be found in Annex B to AGAI 67 - the Armed Forces Code of Conduct. When deployed on operations soldiers are subject to international law, including the laws of armed conflict and the prescribed rules of engagement, and in some cases local civil law. British rule of course had an important role in this process, but the country that was emerging fulfilled the aspirations of Indians, rather than colonial designs of what a … 14. The British Army is a professional and disciplined team, with a long tradition of service to the country and it has strong public support. All commanders are responsible for defining and maintaining standards of personal behaviour in the Army by example, direction and education. The Army Reserve. I expect you to behave and conduct yourselves to the highest standards at all times. Our Values and Standards are essential to the British Army, they define what the British soldier is. Get tips on making friends, handling in-laws, strengthening military marriages, solo parenting and more. Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook It is the responsibility of commanders to protect others from physical and mental bullying, and to deal with it promptly. The challenging world of command and support relationships. When considering possible cases of misconduct, and in determining whether the Army has a duty to intervene in the personal lives of its soldiers, commanders at every level must consider each case a gainst the following Service Test: “ Have the actions or behaviour of an individual adversely impacted or are they likely to impact on the efficiency or operational effectiveness of the Army (unit)?”. But there are exceptions to … There are rules that govern fraternizing with other members of the military. Any unjustifiable behaviour that results in soldiers being unfairly treated is fundamentally incompatible with the ethos of the Army, and is not to be tolerated. Whilst the Army will counsel and advise personnel who are in debt, irresponsible indebtedness is likely to affect an individual’s employment and career. Commanders create their command ethos and must ensure that Values and Standards are at the centre of it, through personal example and by educating and training their subordinates. Drug misuse is not only illegal, it poses a significant threat to operational effectiveness. 31. It is also illegal. Source(s): On operations this includes international law, the laws of armedconflict and, in some cases, local civil law. Jamaica - Jamaica - British rule: In 1655 a British expedition under Admiral Sir William Penn and General Robert Venables captured Jamaica and began expelling the Spanish, a task that was accomplished within five years. This refers to tradition in their personal lives. This reputation derives from, and depends upon, unequivocal commitment, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. The primary motive of British imperialism in China in the nineteenth century was economic. Soldiering is about duty: so soldiers should be ready to uphold the rights of others before claiming their own. The Army’s Values and Standards are not abstract concepts whose origins lie solely in the demands of battle. You must not speak to the press, sell stories or pictures without the permission of your commanding officer. 33. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a particularly serious offence that endangers others and displays a lack of judgement and self-discipline: a conviction will almost certainly affect an individual’s employment and career in the Army. A decision on what action is taken and the extent of that action will depend on the circumstances of each case, measured against the Service Test outlined below. These qualities cannot be taken for granted and are only possible i f they are underpinned by a robust and clearly understood framework of Values and Standards. In short, they can be neither trusted nor relied upon. These relationships find expression in the Colours, Standards and o ther emblems of Regimental and Corps spirit, which derive from t he Sovereign. It requires commitment and self- sacrifice and to put the interests of the team and the task a head of one’s own. It is not practicable to list every type of conduct or relationship that may constitute social misbehaviour (3), but it includes: unwelcome sexual attention; o ver-familiarity with the spouses or partners of other Service personnel; displays of affection which might cause offence to others; behaviour which damages or hazards the marriage or personal relationships of Service personnel or civilian colleagues within the wider defence community; and taking sexual advantage o f subordinates. Consequently British Military Doctrine states t hat operational effectiveness is the standard by which the Army will be judged, and defines it in terms of fighting power. Its job is often difficult, dangerous and demanding; so in order to do it, the Army needs all of us to have high standards of behaviour all the time. 15. The British Army is structured and trained for operations, not for the convenience of administration in barracks. Individuals who fail to uphold the Values and Standards may be subject to disciplinary or administrative action. ‘The military virtues are not in a class apart; “they are virtues which are virtues in every walk of life ... none the less virtues for being jewels set in blood and iron.” They include such qualities as courage, fortitude and loyalty. On joining the Army soldiers accept a commitment to serve whenever and wherever they are needed, whatever the difficulties or dangers m ay be. (d) Personal relationships between members of the RA and members of the National Guard or Army Reserve when the relationship primarily exists due to civilian association and the RC member is not on AD (other than AT), on FTNGD (other than AT), or serving as a dual status military technician. All soldiers need courage, both physical and moral. It gives you the courage to make the difficult choices that you will face in your career. It has an excellent reputation across the World, which is built on trust. The British Army has a worldwide reputation for excellence, a strong reflection of its soldiers and officers. Therefore, integrity has a unique significance to soldiering, it is essential to trust: soldiers must have complete t rust in each of their comrades for their lives may ultimately depend on it. In particularly serious cases, or where an individual persists with, or has a history o f acts of misconduct, commanders should consider the termination of service. The essential function of an armed force is to fight in battle. 32. Moral courage is doing the right thing, not looking the other way when you know or see something is wrong, even if it is not a popular thing to do or say. This means putting the needs of the mission and of the team before personal interests. Such commitment imposes certain limitations on individual freedom, and requires a degree of self-sacrifice. Homosexuality in the British Army is being addressed in a £1.6 million ($2.1 million) advertising campaign as the top brass desperately try to revamp the image of the military. This tradition of excellence - and the public support it engenders - depends in large part on the operational effectiveness of the Army that results from the high standards of professionalism, individual behaviour and self-discipline of the British soldier, both on and off operations. He is an officer in the British Army and a Lieutenant in the Blues and Royals, which, together with the Life Guards, forms The Household Cavalry. In doing so, Hadrian saw Ireland as a state under British rule, rather than one with its own people and culture. The British Army protects the United Kingdom’s interests at home and abroad, providing a safe and secure environment in which all British citizens can live and prosper. Implicitly it requires those in positions of authority to discharge in full their moral responsibilities to subordinates. Where the ‘bottom line’ is not profit and loss, but the death or maiming of people including comrades, all soldiers must understand why they have to behave in a particular way, rather than following a set of rules blindly. The military has an extremely copious amount of traditions and methods of conducting its activity. 7. The best discipline is self-discipline: innate, not imposed. The British Army is the ultimate team. They will break tradition. Therefore, all commanders must lead by example: they are responsible for explaining, instilling and ensuring that these Values and Standards are understood and adhered to by their subordinates. Look after your money carefully, avoid uncontrolled debts and heavy gambling as this shows a lack of self-discipline and others may lose their trust in you. Although Values and Standards can be imposed and regulated through discipline, it is self-discipline that will encourage all ranks to adhere to the Values and Standards, recognising the inherent value of such qualities and conduct. 29. 8. It is axiomatic that all soldiers must exercise the highest standards o f professionalism, as befits their rank and appointment, at all t imes to both safeguard operational effectiveness and also the A rmy’s reputation. They may witness the injury or death of their comrades but still continue with the task in hand. By Lt. Col. Justin M. Redfern and Maj. Aaron M. Cornett April 5, 2018. All teams need discipline. Any permission to use the codes must be sought from the individual organizations directly. In order to motivate Henry II, Hadrian gave him the title “Lord of Ireland” prior to Henry II’s domination of the island. Humour that insults, ridicules or intimidates people is destructive and damages the team. Success depends above all else on good morale, which is the spirit that enables soldiers to triumph over adversity: morale linked to, and reinforced by, d discipline. While military commanders held unquestioned authority in the theatre of war, and might resent reporters who gave the public another point of view to their own, the correspondents' … 5. The use of drugs is against the law and also harms you. Commanders at every level must lead by example, a nd encourage their subordinates to live by its Values and to live up to its Standards. This might cause failure on operations, with soldiers getting seriously injured and killed. A lot is expected of you as a British Soldier; you will be required to serve in dangerous places, risk your life for your teammates and put up with uncomfortable conditions. They are fostered and enhanced by good leadership, training and man-management, throughout the chain of command. Army support relationships. The responsibility of commanders to be at the heart of this process cannot be delegated, and I hold you all accountable for it. Not only does it build practical skills, but it's also great for improving teamwork. Marriage to an Indian became taboo and marriage to Anglo-Indians heavily frowned upon. The policy specified certain relationships that are always improper such as relationships between officers and enlisted service members that are personal, involve ongoing business, or involve gambling. However, many of the Spaniards’ escaped slaves had formed communities in the highlands, and increasing numbers also escaped from British plantations. In sustaining these Values, every soldier must strive to achieve a nd maintain the highest professional and personal standards. A unit assigned a general support-reinforcing support relationship is positioned and has priorities established by its parent unit and secondly by the reinforced unit. The following RBI will serve to describe the importance and significance behind the military… Dishonesty and deception in the control and management of these funds is not a ‘ victimless crime’ but show a lack of integrity and moral courage which have a corrosive affect on operational effectiveness through the breakdown in trust. They are the foundations of teamwork, and are interdependent. There was a high demand for Chinese tea, silk and porcelain in the British market. Unmanageable or irresponsible indebtedness displays a lack of judgement and self-discipline. External scrutiny, including intense media interest, is now an attendant part of all aspects of military life. You must always keep your self-control, however angry or provoked you might be, because no soldier is ever above the law. Soldiers who are caught using drugs can expect to be discharged. 16. Drug misusers are a liability to themselves and to their colleagues: their judgement is impaired; their health damaged; and their performance degraded. Self-discipline is the best form of discipline - doing your job without being told. 4. For example, to defend the country, to give aid during disasters and to keep the peace. They are a moral requirement and have functional utility. Respect for others, including civilians, detainees and captured enemy forces, means treating people decently. They showed considerable moral and physical courage when they intervened.” CGS, Doing things properly and setting the right example. If any one of them is lacking, the team and the mission are threatened. Thus while you may indeed hope to meet these virtues in every walk of life and a good deal of educational effort is spent on developing them as being generally desirable, in the profession of arms they are functionally indispensable. 25. Nevertheless, misconduct involving abuse of position, trust or rank, or taking advantage of an individual’s separation will be viewed as being particularly serious. F or the Army, this is achieved in the Land environment where operations are at their most complex. Inculcating and maintaining the Army’s Values and Standards is the responsibility of all commanders. British raj, period of direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent from 1858 until the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947. Those entrusted with public and non-public funds must adhere to unswervingly the appropriate financial regulations. Discrimination damages teams; it excludes members and does not give them a chance to contribute. Values and Standards directly contribute to the Army’s ethos and to fighting power. But if we live by our Values, then the Standards are clear. It is important to acknowledge in the tightly knit military community the need for mutual respect and the requirement to avoid conduct that offends others. All forms of deceit and dishonesty constitute a lack of integrity: they call into question whether an individual can be relied upon, damaging the team and therefore operational effectiveness. Those in authority must be loyal to their subordinates: representing their interests faithfully, dealing with complaints thoroughly and developing their abilities through progressive training. It may affect your performance on operations, making you unreliable and untrustworthy - you become a liability. It requires all of us to understand and live by them; and for all commanders - from the most senior to the most junior - to show emphatic leadership. 18. Such confidence is a product of leadership and comradeship. Moral courage is equally i mportant. “With complete disregard for his own safety, continued to charge the enemy position alone. Soldiers must be prepared to serve whenever and wherever required and to do their best at all times. It may create an administrative burden, and could lead to an individual becoming a security risk. However, the Army is not immune from changes in society, and this i s reflected in the attitudes and behaviour of those who enlist. Excessive alcohol consumption is not to be tolerated; drunkenness is a military offence. Like loyalty, respect for others goes both up and down the chain of command and sideways among peers. It is vital that you maintain those standards all the time, on and off duty. News and Events. The seriousness with which misconduct will be regarded will depend on the individual circumstances that prevail a t that time and the potential for adversely affecting operational effectiveness. It is a quality needed by every soldier, but it is especially important for those placed in positions of authority, because others will depend on their lead and respond to it. Teams can only be effective if we all play our part in full, putting the team and the mission before our own needs, trusting each other totally - even with our lives if necessary. Help will be offered to those willing to reform, but those who do not respond to rehabilitation will be considered for discharge. These qualities are required both on and off duty as they are enduring characteristics that cannot be turned on and off at will. Obey the law, all the time, wherever you are serving. On 1 April 2019, the MOD’s policy on cohabitation in Service Family Accommodation (SFA) in UK changed. Discipline is the primary antidote to fear and maintains operational effectiveness: it is supported by team loyalty, trust and professionalism. To do all of this, the Army has 6 Values that it requires you to live by. Being a soldier is not easy. The responsible consumption of alcohol is accepted, but binge drinking is unprofessional: it is dangerous and it damages your health. Integrity means being honest and truthful. Members of the Army are not permitted to disclose Service information or express views on official matters or experiences to any media organisation without prior approval from the Ministry of Defence, sought through the chain of command; this includes leaking official information to the media. 3. The Army’s policy for those who commit a drug offence is based on dismissal. To that end, the articulation of these Values and Standards needs to be accompanied by a continuous and appropriate example; by all commanders, junior and senior alike. Soldiers have the responsibility and legal right to use lethal force, and may be required to lay down their own lives and risk those of their comrades. Soldiers are required to close with the enemy, possibly in the midst of innocent bystanders, and fight; and to continue operating in the face of mortal danger. Training and discipline will help you to do your duty regardless of the dangers and discomforts. It expresses the loyalty of every soldier to the Sovereign as Head of State. and to reinforce a similar type of unit. Respect for others is a hallmark of the British Army: it comes from t he duty to put others first and means that there is no place for prejudice or favouritism. Soldiers must be welded into strong and robust teams in order to achieve success on operations, where individual needs and desires are subordinated to those of the team, however unpalatable or dangerous. The effects of excessive drinking are severe: impaired judgement, endangered health, degraded performance and are the major cause of ill discipline. Respecting others is part of the trust that has to exist between you and your team mates; you must judge people on their abilities and not on their race, religion or sex. Ultimately it may require soldiers to lay down their lives. Therefore we must explain why our Values and Standards are more demanding of the individual; and why such demands are equally necessary on and off duty. Trust underpins all our behaviour. The Army recognises the importance of humour, but humour must be inclusive. 10 All soldiers must be prepared to use lethal force to fight: to take t he lives of others, and knowingly to risk their own. You must look after your integrity as, like trust, once it is lost it takes a long time to earn back, if ever. It's hard work, rewarding and fun - and you're paid to do it! For example, if two military members are married and one of them later becomes an officer, the relationship is acceptable. However, the use of physical strength or the abuse of authority to intimidate or victimise others, or to give unlawful punishments is unacceptable and will undermine trust and respect. They may need to show restraint, even when doing so involves personal danger. (2) s70 of Army Act 1955 and from Jan 09 s42 of the Armed Forces Act 2006. The Nation, the Army and the chain of command rely on the continuing allegiance, commitment and support of all who serve: that is, on their loyalty. It requires more than a single period of instruction (MATT 6) per year; it must pervade all training activity, career development and be the focus of all leaders on what example their subordinates also should concentrate. Therefore, it is the effective and coherent translation of these Value and Standards into actions that must penetrate every command and organisation until they are instinctive. Loyalty binds all ranks of the Army together: it goes both up and down. You have to be aggressive and strong in battle, yet behave properly and show self-control all the time. Submitted by KBL781 on Thu, 12/13/2012 - 16:24. Loyalty, though expected, must be earned through commitment, self- sacrifice, courage, professionalism, decency and integrity. The Army expects self-discipline from every soldier, and training aims to strengthen it. Discrimination and harassment may also contravene civil and criminal law: any form of discrimination o r harassment undermines trust and confidence, especially in those in positions of authority. Equally important is that all soldiers, and t heir families, must be confident that the Army and the Nation will treat them with loyalty and fairness. Your conduct will be measured against this simple test, known as the Service Test: “Have your actions or behaviour badly affected, or are they likely to affect the operational effectiveness of your unit”. Now, if your soldier has served for four or more years and can demonstrate they’re in a Long-Term Relationship (LTR), then they’ll be eligible to apply to cohabit with you in surplus SFA, where it’s available. 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