Does it hold you back in some way? What scares you that you have to do anyway? When he or she picks it up to write their own heartfelt message, your note will be waiting. Mine are just plain and wish they looked as pretty as yours. But there are times when your brain goes as blank as the page in front of you. It’s actually in weeding and consolidating for my move that I have gotten them all in the same place! • Privacy Policy • Terms of Use •, « Inktober 2020 | Little Coffee Fox Prompt List, 27 Incredible November Bullet Journal Cover Pages (+ Free Printable) ». This method is from the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, and it’s hands down one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read. If you love to travel, then you should start one, too! Affirmations are an incredible tool to help you change your thoughts and attitude to be more positive. With a list of journaling ideas at your disposal, you’re sure to find something to shake down whatever is blocking your writing flow. Make plans and track your success in a notebook! Read our full disclosure*. Keep a journal just for this amazing exercise and see what insights you can find! Write about the bare minimum exercise you want to start doing every day. Thanks for sharing , Your email address will not be published. I love journals. 39. What questions do you have about the afterlife, about religion, about a higher being? In addition to blogging here on Little Coffee Fox, she is a professional letterer, watercolorist, and organization guru. Some other ideas are: taking notes from blogs I read (I have one for home-related notes) Have you reached it? 53. Why is it your favorite? Visualize yourself as this person and describe your lifestyle, where you live, and how you spend your time. Easily keep a secret diary or a private journal of notes and ideas securely on the web. Try this exercise for page one! What can you do to help guarantee a better night’s sleep? 4. I’m glad you feel a little more comfortable jumping into your notebook. Create an exercise schedule for yourself, and make sure to track your progress! So, is typing your journal entry as good as writing in your journal by hand? Thanks, Gloria! I, too, have had to face moving with tons of journals filled with only a few pages of writing. Then a third sentence. Whatever you remember, describe it with as much sensory detail as you can recall. Keep all your ducks in a row by dedicating one blank notebook exclusively to your planning! This really helps me and inspire me to write my diary They are there in black and white on the paper or on the screen. On our anniversary every year, we write each other a note. It is 17.80 on Amazon. Wonderful If you are ready to feel inspired to take on your journal collection, then grab your favorite pen and let’s jump in! OMGoodness! I love this! Write it down! Think of it as part of the process. Sounds like you have a system that works really well for you which is wonderful Robin! Writing it all down can help you develop your skills in the kitchen and be more conscious about your food choices. Imagine doing this and describe how you’d feel while you were spending the money. 20. 15 Sure Signs A Woman Is Jealous Of Another Woman, 21 Signs The Universe Is Trying To Tell You Something, The Best (and Worst) Things to Write to Someone On The Anniversary Of A Death, 6 Of The Best Social Skills Classes Online, 15 Top Signs A Guy Is Jealous And Likes You, 25 Thoughtful And Unique Mindfulness Gifts, 101 Life-Improving Affirmations For Self-Confidence, 77 Existential Questions To Blow Your Mind, Helpful Communication Exercises For Couples, An improved ability to articulate and clarify your thoughts, A chance to improve your writing skills on a daily basis, A better frame of mind for reconciling with others (improved relationships), An enhanced capacity for learning new things, Things you enjoy (for breakfast, relaxation, education, etc. 5. How would you answer someone else’s question about what you believe? a money log, or an inventory book I still have to start on the latter! It can be about someone or something you are either currently struggling with or alternatively, grateful for. How will you overcome your fear? No doubt, the words “I forgive” bring a certain person to mind whom you find it difficult to forgive. There are a number of notable individuals from history whose love letters to their spouse were preserved, and their eloquence, thoughtfulness, and charity for one another astounds. ), Things you can see from where you’re sitting, Something you’ve noticed about yourself. I enjoy bringing my Pentel Aquash Brushes and Prismacolor Watercolor Pencils with me so I can sketch on the go. Required fields are marked *, I'm a twenty-something who has always struggled with productivity. ???? It’s super easy to set up, but you can always add a bit of fun and flair with time tracker stickers! Some days you’ll drop nuggets of wisdom. Think about teachers or coaches, counselors/therapists, bosses/managers, roommates — anyone who made a positive impact in your life. Feeling: What are you feeling? Sometimes the blankness of the first page can be overwhelming and make you feel like you’ll surely ruin this beautiful thing. Here are several ways you can use your journal. Keep a list of the books you read throughout the year. Oh, I totally meant that Kim was where I first saw it in that format! 59. I actually originally had this idea as a preteen – I bought a journal to give as a gift to my parents so they could do this. Well I am not creative enough to design a hand drawn page, and I tend to use a page over and over once I create it. Then dig a little deeper to explore why you feel those things. Find Your Perfect Journal Writing Prompts. Think of an accomplishment that gets you closer to your personal goals. We could all use more gratitude in our lives, right? Use the journal to discover why you use the journal. Whatever your spiritual journey, you can track and plan it all in one journal. You are definitely not the only one, Joanna! I started doing this notebook my husband would ask me, “Well, who came last year and what did we eat?” I did save my scrap papers of planning notes — somewhere! Here's the thing: there are no actual rules to journaling. Would you change your career, your home, your income…? That’s a great way to do it! I love your ideas and have started a bullet journal that is partly dedicated to planning an international move. Between work, my blog and hobbies I dont get a lot of time though. I know what it’s like to have a vast collection of underused journals and the unique frustration that comes along with it. I am going to be getting a new camera soon so that I can finally work on my photography. There is nothing quite like pen on paper, is there? There is so much potential, so much freedom! No worries! How will this day get you closer to your vision for the future? You can find some more information on starting a blog here: What challenges remain? You really can’t go wrong with a good notebook, right Mitra?! 33. It’s quite the pickle! She has always kept a journal, but she journals in poetry! check out my free email course, and get started today! You could tear out the pages you wrote on, save the pages in a file or scan them onto your computer, and either start fresh with the journal or toss/donate it. Write whatever is trampling over other thoughts to get out the door. Hopefully you’ll be opening up some of those notebooks soon . Anything stationary, really. Then list the balance and basically keep a ledger each month. Write about something that scares you that you have to do anyway. Before you can start filling them, though, you need to let go of the idea that your content should be extra-special or next-level insightful. I hope you can materialize your amazing ideas and share them with the rest of us through the beauty of pen on paper! Write about a friend you haven’t talked to in years. My Morning Pages journal sits on my windowsill away from the rest, and my other notebooks sit together on the bookshelf. You can start by creating a list of anything, really. I’m glad! Other days, you’ll write content that will embarrass your future self. The library is packed with tons of free printables and lettering worksheets, including a January printable to help you tackle the new year. (Angry, stressed, nervous etc) Event: What just happened? But it can also be quite intimidating! Use a timer for a journal writing sprint. Journal about three bad habits you’d like to change. Craft a daily recap of the big thoughts from your day. Imagine you’ve been asked to write something positive about someone — only that someone is you. My sister tops us all, I think. It’s great to get that information down! Can you please tell me how you would use a notebook that involves Broadway or theatre or acting? Or pretend you’re a food blogger for a day and write about your ideal menu or a meal you had recently at a restaurant. No doubt, you already know some of the benefits of journaling, and one reason may stand out from the others. Write about something you learned from someone who hurt you. Focus on your goals of paying off student loan debt, creating an emergency fund, or saving up for your dream vacation. Last update on 2020-12-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API / Prices shown represent Amazon prices only, and do not represent the current price from any other source. This is a great opportunity for you to think up all the wild and incredible things you want to do in your life. I don’t use a form, just the same headlines for each event: Title, Day/Date, Time, Menu, Who’s Invited, Who’s Coming, Who’s Bringing What. Journal Your Way To More Love and Intimacy, 201 Of The Best Loneliness Quotes Of All Time, 89 Of The Best Self-Love Quotes Of All Time. 52. Where do you want to be three years from now? I also use a lot of self-made stickers of flower and such of over my journal that I find on Pinterest, they are my favorite, and it keeps me going back to my journal and faithfully use it. If you’re not satisfied with just writing three random sentences, make them an answer to a question or write a sentence for each of the three things you’re most grateful for in that moment. You can find it here: I make a fool of myself every time,” you already know why you prefer to avoid those things. I feel guilty for an hour or so, but I forget about it before long because it truly wasn’t important. Be as creative as you want with it! Great ideas, thanks for sharing! If you’re stuck for inspiration and prompts, here is the list you need! You can make it as fun or as frilly as you want, and it’s perfect for any old blank notebook that you have lying around. .) I’ll edit that in the post! Write about whatever comes to mind for you, and compose some empowering self-talk to help you get through whatever you have to do that (you think) doesn’t come naturally to you. What you write in your journal is your own, though, and however you get those thoughts down onto the page — as neatly printed (or typed) lines, doodles, mind maps, or a combination of all these — the most important thing is to keep journaling daily. Thankfully, after a few years of journal exploration, I’ve found dozens of ways to put beautiful blank notebooks to good use. Mostly, I keep all my stuff in my bullet journal! What do you do with them? Click to Grab the FREE Report: “The Life Passion Mindset: 6 Lies That May Be Holding You Back From Finding Your Passion”. 29. Write down all the important details — the big ideas that make your day perfect. Thank you, that’s a lovely way of putting it! And may your generosity and good will infuse everything else you do today. What details stand out the most? Maybe it’s something I need to say to someone or something I need to remember to do or something I need to remember to take with me or just some completely random thing which isn’t even important. I have so many blank notebooks, just lying around, that its kind of sad. Then you can choose to keep your journal private or share it with your social media groups or the entire world. Writing helps your creativity flow. I have been journaling since I was about 4 when I learned how to write. Maybe you have teenage kids with jobs, and you have to pick them up after their shifts end around seven or eight o’clock. Before you begin the actual workout: write down the date, time and bodyweight (if required) Writing … Write about what you’d do with 10% of your income if you just pulled it out of your bank as cash and went to town. Planning parties can be fun or it can be stressful. Thanks for letting me know I’ll not alone! So, if this article will help you to thrive today and become the person you want to be, please bless another person today — or as many as you can. You can always mix it up and do both, choosing one or the other based on convenience or a desire to do something different (or to use that brand new journal). Some people prefer to keep a personal record of their daily activities, and a blank notebook is perfect for just that. I am definitely a notebook addict, and am always looking for a new way to use them! It’s the perfect way to watch what you eat! This tool is completely free and allows anyone to log on and create a journal for free. Try including sensory details in your journal to motivate yourself to mindfulness practice mindfulness even while you’re eating. I swear this is true! I am in the right place! I have so many note books I don’t know what to do with. From these outlines I can plan my shopping lists for food, paper goods, etc. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the bullet journal! This also helps me know what I need to make sure is clean before the week starts. Sometimes, just allowing yourself to write whatever wants to come out is enough to get the words flowing, and a daily journaling provides the perfect outlet for this. 13. Observe your local wildlife as the seasons change and you’ll be amazed of all the natural beauty you’ll capture. What habits have you picked up that are not serving you well? Filed Under: Bullet Journal Tagged With: bullet journal, extra notebooks, journal, list, My Organization Techniques, notebook, notebook ideas. Thanks for sharing your method! 41. You can find prompts online or from a book. Write in your journal something someone said or did that made you smile. Time to put all those journals to good use now, huh! Don’t waste them! 8 Extra Tips For New Journal Writers . What you are thankful for can be as simple as “family” or “the new book or … 48. Now, I can actually use them! Have a blog? That’s a fabulous idea, Alona! Some years bring more change than others, but what specifically is different for you about this past year? They’ll offer lots of insight at a time you need it most. I’m going to have to try these spreads! If you pray to a higher power, your daily journal is a great place to articulate exactly what you want to say. Which pair of pants or skirt Kama which top, shell or blouse, and which sweater or jacket over the top of that? Read my ultimate bullet journal cheat sheet to get started! You and I were cut from the same cloth, Janine I have so much stationery that I’ve collected over the years! One journal can be the central location of all color swatches, appointments, music playlists, registry information, and more so you don’t lose your head. Write anything you are grateful for. Journal Writing Prompts. Thanks very much It’s really very useful you’re creative thanks for your effort babee❤️❤️❤️God bless you ? If you are into calorie counting, keep that information in your food journal too. It’s so scary…” or “I’m terrible at making small talk! I do! I really need to get more in the habit of doing just this. Always keep your journal entries and re-read them. . An idea journal is a specific type of journal where you write down goals, achievements, ideas for future projects, observations, or anything else to help inspire and motivate you in your journey. Write about your … It can be anyone, and you can either write about why this person is on your mind, or you can write a script for an imaginary meeting or a necessary conversation. We all write differently and about different things, so it is a different experience for everyone. Please write to me as fast as possible. There are many reasons to start journaling for mental health. You know you need to practice in order to improve, so why not use one of your blank notebooks? Or you can think of something this person might hold against you, try to see your words or actions from their perspective, and write a genuine apology to them. List all the things you’ve done this week or this month. Thanks, Kristi. So glad it was helpful for you Kristi. Choose a meaningful quote that resonates or that makes you want to argue with it. Absolutely love the idea of the mutual love letter journal. Choose whatever works for you: word, phrase, quote, photo. I love it. Write about the qualities you admire and want to see in yourself. What’s the bigger picture for this vision? Write down your goals, inspiration, and exercises. 4. 25. Journal Keeping Ideas and Topics to Spark Your Creative Juices and to Write About— Journaling is a powerful and effective tool for people of all ages—and whether you’re using it to therapeutically uncover your true feelings about a given topic or simply as a way to practice and become a better writer, its value and benefits cannot be overstated. A journal is basically a chance for your past self to lend counsel to your present self. Conversely, you may find it easier to do your journal writing … It should be something you look forward to doing, so make it a fun exercise. Ever since hearing that “sitting is the new smoking,” you’ve thought of how to make exercise a part of your daily life. If you’ve found value in this journaling ideas post, I hope you’ll share it and encourage others to pass it on. Then describe one or more of your favorite apps and how they help you every day. I’ll definitely will be starting one for handwriting/hand lettering practice . Write specifics about what is happening, and what has happened, since the last time you had a recovery session. You can write about your actions, your interactions, the way the events in your day unfolded, what you accomplished, how your day felt—whatever it … Very helpful with helping my organize my deadening amount of empty notebooks! You probably wouldn’t be as anxious to avoid night driving and small talk. Have you changed the way you respond to similar situations? I actually managed to keep a few half used diaries from when I was very, very young. Shelby is the owner and chief content creator for Little Coffee Fox and has been a full-time blogger for the last four years. Whatever financial concern is at the top of your list, write about what you’re thinking and what action you plan to take. You can enter in corresponding notebook components in this area, as well as accompanying page numbers and any other summation information you’d like. If no words come to mind, try writing about good things you want for this person. (Well, you’ve GOTTA have something to write with in all those journals, yes?). New follower from Pinterest . You wake up, and a special, handmade gift is waiting for you on your dresser. Make it happen by starting a gratitude log in a new journal! There are so many times that I couldn’t remember what it was that we enjoyed so much. 6. Maybe you live in an apartment complex and always run into a small crowd of familiar faces when you’re heading in and out. But my issue around hoarding notebooks is that most of mine (I have maybe 10) are partially filled with stuff – the pattern is that I will pick a new one at an airport or a train station before traveling, and fill in a few pages, and then by the time I get home it’s lost in the shuffle. Here’s a list of known benefits, in case you haven’t learned them all. This can be for you to keep or it can be given to someone you love, like your children. I’m the same way! Write about what you’re feeling right now. 9. Are you interested in the meaning of your dreams? Would you suggest starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? It is in my blood! Over time, you can see some patterns of your life and gain some great insights! If you are that in love with paper, then you’ve come to the right place If you haven’t already, check out the Fox Den Resource Library for a ton of printables and worksheets that I know you’ll love! Journal for yourself, no one else, and just let your thoughts pour out. It’s so hard not to collect them! Brush lettering is an amazing skill that isn’t hard to pick up – the only thing you need is the right resource to learn the right way. Write an encouraging personal note to yourself. Alternatively, if you're looking for a quick way to get ready for the new year, you should check out the Fox Den Resource Library. 46. No matter how you choose to keep a Journal, our community … Describe one of these compliments along with who gave it to you. I’m also somewhat of a perfectionist so while I live journals, I’m always scared to mess up one. If you want to see for yourself how important journaling can be to your success, try using your journal the way I use mine. You don’t need fancy paper to doodle or jot down your rough ideas. What hurdles have you jumped in your career, with your relationship, or with your personal development? Some dreams stick around longer for a reason. That’s a great use of a journal. If you have any type of medical or mental condition, then keeping a health log might be your new favorite thing. 45. How about a wine journal with the label if possible, and details about how you liked it, where you bought it, etc. This can take place in the present or three years from now. Keep a log of everything you eat, how much water you drink, and even write down a permanent grocery list to take with you to the store. Write down a few sentences about what you do each day – who you saw, what you ate, what you worked on, etc. Keeping a private journal used to mean writing in a notebook with a lock on it, or that you kept in a locked box. I imagine that’s got to be touching on every anniversary. Maybe you don’t do everything the same exact way every morning (or maybe you do), but there are probably some things you do every morning. What a great post with so many suggestions!! And what habits would you like to replace them with? 11. This is a great idea, especially for folks who are trying to slow down their mornings a little bit. I use a journal to keep track of bills such as credit cards, car payments, insurance premiums, etc.–a page for each. How did that change things for you? Third, it isn’t just that writing a journal stimulates thought – it allows us to look at ourselves, our feelings, and our actions in a different way. Or what breakthroughs have you had? How did you discover it, and why do you consider it an essential part of your life? How did it change the way you feel about this person and about yourself? You can let out all your pain, anger, and sorrow. Good luck as you try to pare down your half-used journals! What was your most memorable dream, and why do you think you still remember it? If you don’t want to name specific people, just write about a painful experience and what you learned from it. I want to fall in love with myself. It most live in an apartment complex and always run into a cute little that... Mean, Emma I know what to do it at night helps me lot! Handy, will be waiting meaning that originated behind the phrase single purpose can find some more information starting... 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