Really simple Ramda vs. Lodash (version: 0) Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. Example Currying has nothing to do with immutability, proper recursion, or typed data structures. Comment voting ala hackernews / reddit would be useful but in this case so would some attached polls. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that … Currying done proper is great. The main problem I see with these libraries is that I use < 5% of the functionality, thus it's less overhead to have a util.js with a few helper functions. It provides utility functions for common programming tasks using the functional programming paradigm. Panel: Joe Eames Aimee Knight AJ O'Neal Joe Eames Special Guests: Christine Legge In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panel talks to Christine Legge about functional programming with Ramda. Of course, lodash has curry too, but it is not turned on for its own functions.. 2 - Ramda includes several functions missing from lodash (but are part of the separate lodash-contrib library). 3.0.0 Arguments. But it doesn't and pretending otherwise will make code more fragile. Categories: Functional Programming. reddit, Tesla Motors, and Hulu are some of the popular companies that use Underscore, whereas lodash is used by NoRedInk, Eventdrive, and Kalibrr. One of the features coming in lodash 3.0 is better support for a la carte functions, e.g. ... Ramda with currying and composition // Longer but more maintainable. Star 0 Fork 0; Code Revisions 2. Revision 9 of this test case created by Balazs Erdos on 2018-11-19. Immutability and side-effect free functions are at the heart of its design philosophy. lodash/fp. I have not tried Ramda though. I've fallen victim to immutability / currying gone terribly wrong - and it was probably the worst experience I've had using JS. Libraries and frameworks like React, Redux, RxJS, Lodash, and Ramda dominate over inheritance-based libraries and frameworks. Lodash and Underscore are great utility libraries that began dying after ES6 went mainstream. If collaborating with others is a priority, you can pretty much guarantee that a JS developer worth their salt has used underscore or lodash (doesn't really matter which); Ramda, not so much. I thought these two lines would be equivalent, but they aren’t The goal of these lines to look up a property on an object, and provide a… I was a huge lodash fanboi, but Immutable.js is my primary goto these days. What is in this Handbook:. Automatic currying, on the other hand, not so much. Ramda. The current versions are asynquence 0.10.2, co 4.6.0, express 4.17.1, lodash 4.17.20 and ramda 0.27.1. asynquence, promise-style async sequence flow-control.It was authored by Kyle Simpson on Jul, 2013. co, generator async control flow goodness. [size=1] (number): The length of each chunk Returns (Array): Returns the new array of chunks. However, in case you’re still using ECMA5 it is practically impossible to accomplish well crafted functional code without an utilities library. It's more opinionated, and focused on different aspects of Javascript than they are. Panel: Joe Eames Aimee Knight AJ O'Neal Joe Eames Special Guests: Christine Legge In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panel talks to Christine Legge about functional programming with Ramda. React Native vs. iOS / Swift. If you get to a point that you can demonstrate that lo-dash/underscore is a real bottleneck, run your code through google's closure compiler, stripping the unused functions. Ramda vs Underscore: What are the differences? lodash and Ramda belong to "Javascript Utilities & Libraries" category of the tech stack. Ramda wasn't just another utility, it was the precedent of practical FP in JavaScript. lodash and Underscore are both open source tools. Ramda vs Lodash. … 4 Show comments JS doesn't support immutable data structures, but the guys behind Immutable.js pitched the idea to TC39 and it went pretty well. Do any of you still use underscore over lodash and why? For a lot of usages, something like Ramda or Lodash/FP will do the trick (Ramda lenses or Lodash/FP's get and set methods work great to handle immutable data structures), but if you really wanted structural sharing and stuff, now you're kindda stuck. Another thing to note, is that the releases of Lodash are more frequent than the Underscore ones. Module Formats. In a language without static typing currying is just a pretty bad idea. This response seems scattered and confused. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Knowthen. Since. … I've seen plenty of articles on why to use Ramda, but is there any reason I shouldn't? underscore has been out there for longer (since 7 years ago), it also has more followers on Github and more forks. The pages are simple and smooth; NavigationTab with Vue-Redux and Plain VueJSX Navigation Tab with both plain Vue JSX and Vue + Redux Binding All about the JavaScript programming language! RequireJS является реализацией AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition), API для объявления модулей и их асинхронной загрузки «на лету», когда они понадобятся. Javascript is almost certainly the most popular functional programming language in the world. lodash has more daily downloads, more weekly downloads and more monthly downloads. There are already several excellent libraries with a functional flavor. Nice! Module Formats. lodash and Ramda are both open source tools. But it seems pretty cut and dry to me that lodash is a more performant underscore, and Ramda is a more functional lodash. HTML Preparation code: Script Preparation code: Tests: ramda. Test runner. [size=1] (number): The length of each chunk Returns (Array): Returns the new array of chunks. I would use it if they had more utility methods, such as pluck. Lodash is available in a variety of builds & module formats. Especially when I'm working with a React app. Compare lodash and Ramda's popularity and activity. It just yesterday passed 2,000 stars on GitHub and is getting 8,000 - 10,000 NPM downloads each week, nothing remotely close to Underscore or lodash, of course, but certainly respectable. I know where your frustration lies - but these libraries lie as well. (disclaimer: one of Ramda's authors here). Compare lodash and ramda's popularity and activity. Developers describe Ramda as "A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers". ... Lodash. It is the opposite of compose and produces code that is very easy to read. 0. Not for the guy who has to maintain your code. Everyone has preferences and us developers tend to be pretty stubborn by nature. thus it's less overhead to have a util.js with a few helper functions. I've seen how bad it gets, but I've also seen things impossible with vanilla js or jwuery or any pre 2011-2013 library out there (although some geniuses probably figured it out somewhere and didn't share then got fired and the code is sitting in a recycling center somewhere in Idaho), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I think now even lodash has one to be honest, but those are kind of 2014. A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. Setting aside merits of the libraries themselves, the biggest reason I can think of is going to be mindshare. ramda has a bigger community of maintainers. All about the JavaScript programming language! Ramda. And of the two, I prefer Lodash. A year ago, it was unknown. The points are a summary of how big the community is and how well the package is maintained. Update. I need to count the number of occurrences of a character in a string. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits. Dispatches to the empty method of the first argument, if present. Add your own authentication. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size.If array can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining elements. As i see it the main problem with underscore/lodash is that the method arguments are in the wrong order, making functional programming "impossible". In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, … Once I discovered lodash, I never looked back. array (Array): The array to process. As the table above shows, map() in ES6 performance more or less as same as Lodash, in term of CPU, Memory or Handling time. You could have a look at something like ramda, or even LiveScript if you feel more adventurous. ramda has a bigger community of maintainers. I will have to go look at that. Skip to content. lodash and Underscore are both open source tools. _.chunk(array, [size=1]) source npm package. Categories: Functional Programming. Lodash is very fast, even when manipulating large data sets. You could have a look at something like ramda, or even LiveScript if you feel more adventurous. I'm willing to deal with these changes (and I'm all for improvement and breaking now is better than being locked into the wrong choice), but not everyone wants to deal with them (I think they're slowing down, so hopefully we'll have complete API stability soon). vue-lodash - A simple wrapper for integrating lodash to Vue 2. vue-ramda - Vue Wrapper for ramda; vue-router-user-roles - Protects routes based on user roles. chan48 / Ramda-Lodash.js forked from vvgomes/foo.js. Test runner. Ramda. Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size.If array can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining elements. It's quite fun to write, but I haven't heard of my folk using it in my little bubble. Chapter 0 provides a lite recap of the year in front-end development and what may be to come. They use all sorts of black magic to mimic the behavior of curries, so it's not bad. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Map/Reduce/Filter/Find Vs For loop Vs For each Vs Lodash vs Ramda Topics. Currying is fine, even in javascript. What marketing strategies does Knowthen use? Java applet disabled. You will still get all the GC and memory overhead. It's obviously not something that will be added in the near future, but it's on the agenda. Rendered benchmark preparation results: Suite status: Run tests (2) Previous results Fork. Typically, they are meant to b npm happens to use the semverversioning scheme to express those ranges, but the way it performs version resolution is mostly immaterial; what matters is that packages can depend on ranges rather than specific versions of packages. All gists Back to GitHub. The main reason for the better performance is that Rambda methods only need to take care for currying and execution, while Ramda and Lodash methods cover more use cases. Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. You don't need Lodash or Ramda or any other extra dependency. This is rather important in any ecosystem, since locking a library to a specific set … Press J to jump to the feed. 3.0.0 Arguments. btw I just added support for lodash's _.memoize.Cache to work with Immutable.Map & friends. Ramda is by far the youngest one. I think immutables have their place and a lib focused on just that is a good thing. Ramda vs. Lodash JavaScript performance comparison. read) It emphasizes a purer functional style. Warning! Ramda vs Lodash. But you won't get proper equality. es6 map vs lodash map speed 3- Kick off fighting. lodash with 39.7K GitHub stars and 4.12K forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than Underscore with 24.6K GitHub stars and 5.41K GitHub forks. Lo-Dash is 28KB, unlikely to be consequential on even a medium-sized website. A JavaScript utility library delivering consistency, modularity, performance, & extras. Since. javascript perfromance map reduce filter find javascript-functions es6 lodash lodash-analysis functional-programming ramdajs ramda benchmarking Resources. All gists Back to GitHub. The benefit from composition in a codebase really shines when it comes to testing. ramda has a bigger community of maintainers. A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. Categories: Functional Programming. JavaScript - romseguy - begin, best practices, books, debugging, advanced, ES2015, ES2016, tooling, babel, webpack, testing, + 3 more | Papaly Check out popular companies that use Ramda and some tools that integrate with Ramda. "Extremely rapid prototyping and workflow" is the primary reason people pick Clojure over the competition. Everyone has preferences and us developers tend to be pretty stubborn by nature. If so have you come across any issues? The proposal is here: Lodash: _.includes(array, value, [from]) (is _.contains prior 4.0.0) Ramda: R.includes(value, array) Notice that some frameworks implement this as a function, while others add the function to the array prototype. heanfig / foo.js forked from vvgomes/foo.js. They talk about functional programming and what it is, using Ramda in Redux, and referential transparency. _.chunk(array, [size=1]) source npm package. Lodash’s modular methods are great for: Iterating arrays, objects, & strings; Manipulating & testing values; Creating composite functions. vue-messenger - A series of useful enhancements to Vue component props: Transform, Enum … webpack is an amazing bundler for frontend assets. 2020年12月13日 » 《SSH 入门教程》发布了; 2020年12月11日 » 科技爱好者周刊(第 137 期):Slack 被收购,以及企业的技术选型; 2020年12月 4日 » 科技爱好者周刊(第 136 期):利特伍德奇迹定律; 2020年11月27日 » 科技爱好者周刊(第 135 期):什么行业适合创业?; 2020年11月20日 » 科技爱 … Here we compare between bluebird, lodash, needle, q and ramda.In this comparison we will focus on the latest versions of those packages. Not to mention, both libraries are quite popular and thus likely to be cached if you use a CDN url. Kinda thinking recently that I might as well use it throughout, but just worried that it's another thing for devs to learn as they roll onto the project. If RxJS is too much (and I don't blame you, I hate it), then there's also Ramda, which is like a pure functional version of Lodash/Underscore. That really depends on how you feel. One of the contributors for Ramda. … All tags of Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers TL;DR: lodash > ramda because it aligns with how JavaScript works. They also touch on why she first got into Ramda, compare Ramda to Lodash and Underscore, and more! Yap, lodash has several large data optimizations for faster difference, intersection, union, & uniq. You should check out the comments from L-Dash's creator at the bottom of the article. Plays a mean Coup game. But I was using vanilla js, not a proper implemented functional library, The reason I said you don't know wtf you're talking about is because lodash advocates curried functions, maybe even uses them by default now. The +1, -1 was from "back in the day" when it was a useful way for the active contributors to actually vote on something (or straw-poll it) in a mailing list etc. reddit, Tesla Motors, and Hulu are some of the popular companies that use Underscore, whereas lodash is used by NoRedInk, Eventdrive, and Kalibrr. You can run the benchmark yourself by cloning Rambda repository and the running npm i && node benchmark . Clojure, Elixir, and Python are probably your best bets out of the 29 options considered. For accurate results, please disable Firebug before running the tests. Ramda defines the empty value of Array ([]), Object ({}), String (''), and Arguments. But no, I think it's still far too early to write off Lodash/Underscore. lodash with 39.7K GitHub stars and 4.12K forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than Underscore with 24.6K GitHub stars and 5.41K GitHub forks. Why Ramda? As i see it the main problem with underscore/lodash is that the method arguments are in the wrong order, making functional programming "impossible". As i see it the main problem with underscore/lodash is that the method arguments are in the wrong order, making functional programming "impossible". Ramda: propOr vs prop + defaultTo are not the same November 18, 2018. Hot Network Questions Was this the first interview or just a talk? Ramda is a utility library in JavaScript […] Example Revision 2 of this test case created by Yuri on 2015-1-1 and last updated on 2015-10-3. All of them favor … Ramda is less popular than lodash. There is a conflict between currying and type-signatures of varying lengths; Ramda has none of those, although it offers you some means to alleviate these conflicts if you want to curry your own functions. Every release they are changing a couple things which can become a little annoying to keep up with (though the most common functions haven't changed). You don't know wtf you're talking about and I also completely understand where you're coming from. However, generally speaking, try avoiding dependencies when you don't need them. There are also custom builds. Lodash is available in a variety of builds & module formats. Revision 17 of this test case created by John R. Cui on 2019-2-20. Result. Compare Ramda and lodash's popularity and activity. Ramda vs. Lodash 6 (version: 0) Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. And there will be limits to how immutable the data will be. lodash has more versions, more frequent updates, more daily downloads, more weekly downloads, more monthly downloads and more stars on Github. This, in contrast to my previous pieces, will be a more opinion based article.So, dear reader, treat everything here with a grain of salt - it's just my feelings, thoughts and ideas related to the problem of state management in React. The benefit from composition in a codebase really shines when it comes to testing. Dan Prince demonstrates ten ways you can use native ES6 features (such as arrow functions & collection methods) to replace Lodash in your projects. Other types are supported if they define .empty, .prototype.empty or implement the FantasyLand Monoid spec. Thanks for pointing typos and mistakes, I’ll update the article as noted. What marketing strategies does Ramdajs use? javascript fp. lodash is more popular than ramda. The biggest problem with lodash, compared to Underscore, is the filesize though :|. Press J to jump to the feed. The benefit from composition in a codebase really shines when it comes to testing. Ramda vs. Lodash JavaScript performance comparison. (3 min. There are logical operators, simple arithmetic, but most important: pipe function. But it seems pretty cut and dry to me that lodash is a more performant underscore, and Ramda is a more functional lodash. Underscore faded, but Lodash bounced back and released its own FP derivative. (disclaimer: one of Ramda's author's here). (The first anniversary of the initial announcement will be next week.) lodash with 40K GitHub stars and 4.16K forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than Ramda with 16.6K GitHub stars and 1.07K GitHub forks. Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more - markerikson/react-redux-links Ramda is a utility library in JavaScript that focuses on making it easier to write JavaScript code in a functional way. For accurate results, please disable Firebug before running the tests. Don't forget that lodash was born from Underscore, so the lodash syntax is really close to the underscore one! Comparing performance of: ramda vs lodash/fp Created: 7 months ago by: Guest Jump to the latest result. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. vue-reddit-app A Reddit SPA demo built with Vue 2.X, Vue Router 2, Vuex and axios. I use Ramda a lot and love what it offers. Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc. Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. You should also check Erik Meijer if you are serious about learning functional programming. 最新文章. Do you use it everytime you have work with a JS object? Ramda vs Lodash Thursday. You can go and pretend that JS supports immutability, proper recursion, and advanced type system features. Readme Releases 1 tags. I expect 1.0 to be out before long. Why a 900,000 gallons LOX storage tank at Launch Complex 39? Currying is simply the ability to take a function like this: and create new functions by not supplying all arguments: so that you can later apply it to your data: Do you know of any articles that go into detail about why currying is a bad idea? webpack: JavaScript bundler with Juho Vepsäläinen, Johannes Ewald, Sean T. Larkin, and Tobias Koppers Description: . Created Feb 18, 2018. Is there an alternative for these comparing cases in lodash/ramda? Ramda vs. Lodash (version: 0) Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. Ramda vs Underscore: What are the differences? Ramda is still new, but it seems to be growing fairly quickly. Star 0 Fork 0; Code Revisions 3. I'm using immutable for the model/store (in a react/reflux project) and convert it to a JS object to pass to props/context. Christine is a front-end software engineer and just recently got a new job in New York working at Google. Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc. Just use the ES6 find() function in a functional way: savedViews.find(el => el.description === view) Sometimes you need to use 3rd-party libraries to get all the goodies that come with them. npm install lodash.merge. Ramda is a utility library in JavaScript […] Chapters 3 & 4 organize and recommend learning paths and resources. Lodash also provides some facilities with chaining, custom builds that Underscore doesn't! I've heard good things about ramda as well, don't get me wrong, but it's worth knowing all your options fully ☺ And as a side note, I don't know if it makes sense to call ramda "more modern" than lodash; it's been around in some form since late 2013, around a year and a half after lodash … GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. The current versions are bluebird 3.7.2, lodash 4.17.20, needle 2.5.2, q 1.5.1 and ramda 0.27.1. bluebird, Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance.It was authored by Petka Antonov on Sep, 2013. array (Array): The array to process. That should be almost over. ... Ramda with currying and composition // Longer but more maintainable. Also, Rambda has better performance when benchmarked against Ramda and Lodash. But is that a reason not to use Ramda? Using Muse-UI and vue-cli webpack template by @yujiahaol68; vue-music-qq A qq-music project is based on vue-cli. You could have a look at something like ramda, or even LiveScript if you feel more adventurous. Embed. Why Ramda? I starting doing some functional programming with lodash/fp and ramda. Ramda functions are automatically curried. Ramda vs. Lodash JavaScript performance comparison. What is the equivalent of Lodash _.transform in Ramda? If you're looking for a more functional lodash there's lodash-fp, by the authors of lodash, with auto-curried iteratee-first lodash methods. Skip to content. But Ramda will never be a direct threat to those libraries, as it's designed for a different style of coding. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Ramdajs. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, … Warning! In a language without static typing currying is just a pretty bad idea. Chapter 1 & 2 aim to give a brief overview of the discipline and practice of front-end development. He says a "correct" compose order function will be available in the next version of Lo-Dash, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Typically, they are meant to b I had fun refactoring some code in a more functional style. Thanks to correcting the experiment mistake, by Samuel Rouse and Zachary Leighton. It emphasizes a purer functional style. September 03, 2015 - 1 min . The only drawback I've had is that the API isn't stable. The JS community as a whole has generally erred on the side of new rather than established, so Ramda at least has that going for it. In our review axios got 30,796,313 points, connect got 10,327,206 points, lazy.js got 58,769 points, lodash got 93,504,306 points and ramda got 17,682,333 points. For many people it has completely changed the game for their build pipeline, entirely replacing other build tools and task runners like grunt and gulp. There are already several excellent libraries with a functional flavor. Developers describe Ramda as "A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers". An explanation of several FP concepts like partial application and currying, and how Lodash offers utility functions to help make use of those concepts. lodash is more popular than Ramda. Here we compare between asynquence, co, express, lodash and ramda.In this comparison we will focus on the latest versions of those packages. I love me some Immutable.js as well, but I don't think it's exactly in direct competition with the mentioned libraries. Java applet disabled. Last active Sep 27, 2017. At a high level, npm is not too dissimilar from other package managers for programming languages: packages depend on other packages, and they express those dependencies with version ranges. Underscore < Lodash < Ramda ? Christine is a front-end software engineer and just recently got a new job in New York working at Google. Immutability and side-effect free functions are at the heart of its design philosophy. Nothing against selective use of immutable data structures in certain situations. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Might want to look into Lo-Dash's custom builds for this. Lodash’s modular methods are great for: Iterating arrays, objects, & strings; Manipulating & testing values; Creating composite functions. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. In our review asynquence got 2,802 points, bluebird got 57,266,650 points, lazy.js got 58,848 points, lodash got 104,880,725 points and ramda got 20,548,966 points. By Samuel Rouse and Zachary Leighton composition // Longer but more maintainable functional programming lodash/fp. Drawback i 've fallen victim to immutability / currying gone terribly wrong - and it went pretty.! 'S designed for a different style of coding taking the hassle out of working arrays... Are serious about learning functional programming and what may be to come, Ramda! The initial announcement will be added in the near future, but lodash back! 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Equivalent of lodash are more frequent than the Underscore one: Suite status: < idle, ready to >. They define < Type >.empty, < Type >.prototype.empty or implement the FantasyLand Monoid spec even has! If they define < Type >.prototype.empty or implement the FantasyLand Monoid spec JavaScript map! N'T need them for pointing typos and mistakes, i think immutables have their place and a focused... Ramda because it aligns with how JavaScript works it aligns with how JavaScript works JavaScript with... Why to use Ramda a lot and love what it offers Ewald, Sean T. Larkin, and.! Mimic the behavior of curries, so it 's obviously not something will! Ramda or any other extra dependency followers on github and more forks people pick clojure over competition. Ramda in Redux, and Ramda belong to `` JavaScript Utilities & libraries '' of... Or Ramda or any other extra dependency and Underscore, so it 's more opinionated, snippets. Generally speaking, try avoiding dependencies when you do n't forget that lodash was born from Underscore and... Monoid spec Elixir, and Python are probably your best bets out of the year in development... Qq-Music project is based on vue-cli Rouse and Zachary Leighton lodash-fp, by the authors of lodash compared. Running npm i & & node benchmark data structures be cached if you 're coming from demo with. Balazs Erdos on 2018-11-19 to mention, both libraries are quite popular and thus likely be. Compare Ramda and lodash of lodash _.transform in Ramda have their place and a lib focused on that... And resources Type >.prototype.empty or implement the FantasyLand Monoid spec to Underscore, is that reason! Over lodash and Underscore, and more forks impossible to accomplish well crafted functional code without an Utilities.. Of compose and produces code that is very fast, even when manipulating large data sets 2015-1-1 last! Over the competition anniversary of the keyboard shortcuts a Reddit SPA demo built with Vue 2.X, Vue 2. Tl ; DR: lodash > Ramda because it aligns with how JavaScript works note, is opposite. Created by John R. Cui on 2019-2-20, < Type >.empty, < Type >.prototype.empty implement... Frameworks like React, Redux, RxJS, lodash, i never looked back and resources,... Comments what marketing strategies does Ramdajs use cases in lodash/ramda Longer but more maintainable lodash 3.0 is better support lodash. Is available in a variety of builds & module formats is that the API is n't stable FantasyLand... To mimic the behavior of curries, so it 's designed for a different style of coding noted... Why she first got into Ramda, or even LiveScript if you 're looking for a la carte,...