Folk religion is usually followed by those who do not claim any religious doctrine via baptism, confession, daily prayer, reverence, or church attendance. American Anthropologist 55(1): 159-173. This is partly because the concept of "folk" springs largely from criteria laid down by 19th century aesthetes and aestheticians, rather than from any objective characteristics. ### Folk Deities. In death gender roles and sexual behavior often recede in importance. Folk religion also lacks the organizational structure of mainstream religions and its practice is often limited geographically. n. 1. inf. This body of literature culminated in the early 20th century, outlining anomalous religious practices and especially noting the prevalence of folk religion within Catholic communities. In rural Portuguese villages women follow the funeral procession and attend mass, while the public roles are performed by men. In Women and Water: Menstruation in Jewish Life and Law, ed. "Common Religion and Customary Religion: A Critique and A Proposal." Dialectic in Practical Religion. //